courses at Sewanee:
Easter Semester 2025:
Renaissance Drama (ENGL 353);
Melville in Context (ENGL 331);
Early Modern World (HUMN 105);
Fencing (PHED 106 & PHED 306)
upcoming presentations:
"Lanyer's subtle art of death," RSA, Boston, 03/21/2025
"English Renaissance Love Arts," two linked seminars at RSA in Boston, 03/22/2025
"About feline consciousness,” 4th Intl. Poe & Hawthorne, Paris, FR, 07/02/2025
“Shakespeare's experiment with total verse, Richard II, ESRA, Oporto, PT, 07/10/25
upcoming publications:
The Mindful Picture, chapter in a collection, Intersections (Brill, 2025)
Aemilia Lanyer's subtle Art of Death in special issue of Explorations in Renaissance Culture (Brill, 2025)
Migrating aspects of an emblem, in The Emblem and its Variations (Cambridge Scholars Publ, 2025)
Shakespeare's experiments with total verse, King John & Richard II, in Lyrical Shakespeare (Cambridge Univ Press, 2026)
Poe's Poetry, The Routledge Companion to Poe (2027)
contracted book project:
Researching the Reformation: Essays in Honor of W. B. Patterson, co-edited collection of essays (Brill, 2025)