In addition to co-editing five collections of scholarly essays on early modern topics, contributing chapters in two dozen critical volumes, and publishing numerous encyclopedia entries and book reviews (please see my cv for details),
I am the author of seven books on literary history and visual culture including a handbook on student-centered teaching and learning, and the co-author of the Cambridge anthologies The Memory Arts in Renaissance EnglandandThe Death Arts in Renaissance England.
Teaching primarily in the Department of English & Creative Writing,
I also offer courses in Humanities
and Medieval Studies. Although my main areas of specialization are Chaucer, Shakespeare, and "The Roots of Western Literature," I also enjoy teaching from time to time the Anglo-Saxon world, medieval survey, 16th century poetry, Renaissance drama, Milton, 19th century fiction, modern poetry, and contemporary American drama.
For many summers I was Assistant Director at Camp Horseshoe
in Rhinelander, Wisconsin, overseeing the fishing, fencing, and wilderness adventure programs.
More about my background . . .
I carried out several years of intensive dissertation research, principally at the Warburg Institute and Institute of Historical Research
in London (supervised by Charles Schmitt and J.B. Trapp), and the Huntington Library
in San Marino, California (where I was thoroughly if informally tutored by John Steadman and Fredson Bowers).
I have also worked as a design team consultant on a variety of projects, ranging from middle school math and life-skills programs to integrating arts-based curriculum system-wide. For many years I was an adjudicator for Geiko Life Fellowships and the Golden Key Honor Society through International Scholarship and Tuition Services.
I have been on the executive boards of the National Coalition of Independent Scholars, the Sixteenth Century Studies Conference, the Poe Studies Association, and served three years as Chair of the Bainton Book Prize for the SCSC, as well as on the prize committee for the Poe Studies Association. I was elected to the Delegate Assembly of MLA, and appointed to the Harper Award Committee (helping fund graduate students to attend the annualSAMLAconference). I was for five years a Discipline Representative (Emblems) for theRenaissance Society of America, and on the Editorial Board ofRenaissance Quarterly. I regularly assess manuscripts for presses such as Palgrave Macmillan, Oxford University, and Harper Collins.
A life-long fencer (once ranked nationally), I am a certified foil instructor and director of foil, epee, and sabre through USA Fencing
and a certified coach (completely current with the U.S. Center for Safe-Sport regulations).
I have led workshops for the Nashville Shakespeare Festival
and choreographed stage combat for productions including All's Well that Ends Well,Macbeth,Romeo and Juliet
and Calderon's Life is a Dream. During part of a previous sabbatical I was the dramaturge for the Alabama Shakespeare Festival's
production of Hamlet
and led workshops for regional teachers; and, in May 2019, supervised Sewanee students in John Ford's 'Tis Pity....
As the father of three grown children, I became quite expert at outdoors games and drivers education. For fifteen years with my trusty Irish terrier, Albie,
by my side, I discovered many a deer trail, frog hollow, possum lair, and skunk den in Rhinelander, WI and Sewanee, TN; and, beginning July 2013, the adventures continue with Rory (AKA "Rory, the dog").
While I enjoy overseeing my suburban garden in Nashville (featuring a flourishing Camellia grove
overshadowed by towering magnolias) and traversing declivities on the Domainin Sewanee, as often I delight in getting lost in old cities (most memorably Jerusalem and Rome, Tallinn and Munich, Kuşadasi and Krakow, Kyoto and Prague, Toledo and Tübingen), and taking in street performances, operas, plays, chamber music, and the odd gallery.
I have been told I shoot a passable game of pool; and I can still tie a fly, read a river, and navigate by the stars.