CV as of 2025 JAN 29

Nick B. Williams Professor of Literature
The University of the South
Sewanee, TN 37383 USA
(Pronouns: he/him/his)

Post-doc fellow, The Huntington Library, CA 1987-89
Ph.D. English, University of California at Berkeley, 1983-87
Dissertation fellow, The Warburg Institute, London, 1982-83
M.A. English, University of Pennsylvania, 1980-82
B.A. English and Education (cum laude), Trinity College, Hartford, CT, 1975-80

Ph.D. DISSERTATION [DAI, 48 (1988), 2193-A]

MASTER'S THESIS: “Ben Jonson’s Epicœne, or The Silent Woman (1609) and its afterlife, with special reference to Richard Strauss and Stefan Zweig’s Die schweigsame Frau (1935)"; Roland Mushat Frye (director) and Gary Schmidgall


--Critical Anthologies 
The Memory Arts in Renaissance England: A Critical Anthology,  (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016), by William E. Engel, Rory Loughnane, and Grant Williams
Reviews: Spenser Review 47.2.29 (2017); Trinity Reporter (2017), 5; Renaissance Quarterly 70.3 (2017), 1125-26; Studies in English Literature 51.1 (2018), Seventeenth-Century News, 76: 1-2 (2018), 25-30; Sixteenth Century Journal 48.4, 1105-06; The Year's Work in English Studies 97.1 (2018), pp. 315–52;  click here to view book

 --Edited Collections of Essays
The Shakespearean Death Arts: Hamlet Among the Tombs (Palgrave Macmillan, 2022), edited by William E. Engel and Grant Williams; click here to view book / Notices and Reviews: The Trinity Reporter 53.1 (Fall 2022):13; Renaissance and Reformation 46.1 (Winter 2023): 271-73; Anglistik 34.3 (2023): 254-55; Cahiers Élisabéthains 113 (2024): 3-5; Sixteenth Century Journal 54.3-4 (2023), 429-31;

Memory and Mortality in Early Modern England (Cambridge University Press, 2023), edited by William E. Engel, Rory Loughnane, and Grant Williams; Reviews: The Seventeenth Century (July 2023) / click here to view book; click here for descriptive notice



Notices and Reviews: Trinity Reporter (Winter 2010), 36; Review of English Studies 61:249 (2010), 294-96; Studies in English Literature 50:1 (Winter 2010), 226-27; Renaissance Quarterly 63:1 (Spring 2010), 309-10; Studies in English Literature 50, 2 (Spring 2010), 496; The Spenser Review 41:1 (2011), 41.04; The Sixteenth Century Journal 42:2 (Summer 2011), 482-3; Shakespeare Jahrbuch (2012): 238-40; Rhetorica 30:4 (Autumn 2012), 448-50; click here to view book

Death and Drama in Renaissance England: Shades of Memory (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002; rpt. 2005)
Notices and Reviews: Emblem Studies Newsletter 32 (Jan 2003), 12; Emblematica 13 (2003), 397-403; Sixteenth Century Journal 35.2 (2004), 593-95; Bibliothèque et Renaissance, 66.2 (2004), 413-14; Renaissance Quarterly 57.3 (2004), 1166-68; Studies in English Literature 44.2 (Spring 2004), 416; Review of English Studies 55 (2004): 457-9; Notes and Queries 51.1 (March 2004), 85-86; Clio: Journal of Literature, History and the Philosophy of History, 33.4 (Summer 2004); Shakespeare Studies 32 (2004), 352-6; Year's Work in English Studies 84 (2005), 441ff.; Libraries & Culture 40.1 (2005), 91-92; Shakespeare Studies 32 (2004), 352-356; click here to view book

Education & Anarchy (Lanham, New York, and Oxford: University Press of America, 2001).
Notices and Reviews: The Spenser Review 32, No.3 (Autumn 2001), 14-15; The Pennsylvania Gazette 100, No.1 (Nov/Dec 2001); Trinity Reporter (Fall 2002), 12; Choice 40.1 (Sept 2002); Sixteenth Century Journal 33.3 (Fall 2002), 914-15; click here to view book

Notices and Reviews: Sixteenth Century Journal 27.2 (Summer 1996), 663; Emblem Studies Newsletter 19 (July 1996), 2; Trinity Reporter (July 1996), 36; Choice 33, No. 11/12 (July/August 1996); Sidney Newsletter and Journal 14.1 (Summer 1996), 82-87; Bibliothèque  et Renaissance 58.3 (1996), 701-702; Sewanee Review 105.1 (Winter 1997), xx-xxii; Studies in English Literature 37 (1997), 218; Epilogue 11.2 (1996), 52-53; Libraries and Culture (Summer 1997), 382-83; Seventeenth-Century News 55 No. 3 & 4 (Fall-Winter, 1997), 60-61; Review of English Studies, New Series 48, No.192 (1997), 534-35; Renaissance Quarterly 50.4 (Winter 1997), 1223-24; noted in Bibliothèque d'Humanisme et Renaissance 60 (1998), 166; Bulletin of the History of Medicine 72.3 (1998), 543-45; Litterarum Kritikon 27 (2000), 137-42;  click here to read the book on Internet Archive

Researching the Reformation: Essays in Honor of W. B. Patterson, co-edited with Benjamin Guyer (Brill, forthcoming Winter 2025)

At the Limits of the Visible: Cognitive Ecologies in the Premodern Paperworld 

Slips of Thought from Chaucer to Milton: Imagining the stuff of allegory

Nineteenth Century Writers Reading Renaissance Texts: Poe, Melville, and Marx

Voices in Transit: attending to dogs, death, dialect, and demons in the works of Poe

The Ubiquity of "Grace" in Early Modern English Literature: A Philological Inquest

What the Pastoral Remembers: case studies from Theocritus to Wendell Berry

Copyright Notice: 
Any chapters in books, journal articles, and book reviews made available for download are for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author or the copyright holder.
"Poe's Poetry," in The Routledge Companion to Edgar Allan Poe, ed. John Gruesser (Routledge, forthcoming 2027)

“‘The Mind of the Frontispiece’: Invitations to Enter Self-Referential Mnemonic Spaces in English Renaissance Book Illustrations,” in The Mindful Picture for the series "Intersections," ed. Walter Melion and Michael Zell (Brill, forthcoming 2026)

“Aemilia Lanyer’s Subtle Art of Death in Salve Deus Rex Iudæorum,” in Explorations of the Renaissance (Special Issue), ed. Brice Peterson (Brill, forthcoming 2025)

"Migrating Aspects of an Emblem: Occasio, Time and Death from Alciato to Holbein," in Recent Work in Emblem Studies, ed. Jean-Jacques Chardin and Paulette Choné (Cambridge Scholars Publications, forthcoming early 2025)

“Introduction: Between Memory and Death.” Co-written with Rory Loughnane and Grant Williams. Memory and Mortality in Renaissance England. Ed. by William E. Engel, Rory Loughnane, and Grant Williams. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023. pp. 1-21.

“Introduction.” Co-written with Rory Loughnane and Grant Williams. The Death Arts in Renaissance England: A Critical Anthology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022. pp. 1-53. 

“Introduction.” Co-written with Grant Williams. The Shakespearean Death Arts: Hamlet among the Tombs. Ed. by William E. Engel and Grant Williams. Palgrave Shakespeare Series. Palgrave Macmillan: 2022. pp. 1-25.

"Fantastic Spaces, Angelic Places," in Poe and Place: Geocriticism and Spatial Literary Studies, ed. Philip Edward Phillips (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018), 169-92. WINNER OF 2018 DAMERON AWARD

"Handling Memory in the Henriad: Forgetting Falstaff," in The Routledge Handbook of Shakespeare and Memory, ed. Andrew Hiscock and Lina Perkins Wilder (New York and London: Routledge, 2017), 165-79

“Introduction.” Co-written with Rory Loughnane and Grant Williams. The Memory Arts in Renaissance England: A Critical Anthology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016. pp. 1-32. 

"Poe's Resonance with Francis Quarles: Emblems, Melancholy, and The Art of Memory," in Deciphering Poe, ed. Alexandra Urikova (Bethlehem, PA: Lehigh University Press / Rowman Littlefield, 2013), 1-11

"Reflecting on Performativity" in The Shakespeare Apocrypha (Shakespeare Yearbook, XVIII), ed. Douglas Brooks, John Ford, and Ann Thompson (Lewiston, Queenston, Lampeter: Edwin Mellen Press, 2007), 389-407

"The Decay of Memory" in Forgetting in Early Modern English Literature and Culture: Lethe's Legacies, ed. Christopher Ivic and Grant Williams (London and New York: Routledge, 2004), 21-40

"The Space of Translation" in Spaces and Crossings. Essays on Literature and Culture in Africa and Beyond,  ed. Rita Wilson and Carlotta von Maltzan (Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2000), 27-47

"Montaigne's Essais: The Literary and Literal Digesting of a Life," in The Rhetorics of Life-Writing in Early Modern Europe, ed. Thomas Mayer and Daniel Woolf (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1996), 283-98

JOURNAL, Guest Editor
Special issue on "Esoteric Design in Premodern Texts," edited by William E. Engel and James Ross Macdonald, South Atlantic Review 89.2 (Summer 2024), preface, pp.1-8


"Knowledge that Counted," Bollettino del Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerche sul "Viaggio in Italia" 31-32 (Gennaio-Dicembre 1995), 107-28; which also appeared as "Italian phrase books and dictionaries in Elizabethan England,"  Annali d'italianistica 14 (1996): 507-22

"Emblem Books" and "John Florio," in The Encyclopedia of English Renaissance Literature, ed. Garrett A. Sullivan, Jr. and Alan Stewart (London: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012): 322-26 and 354-56.

"Jack Ketch, public executioner" and "Roderigo Lopez, physician to Queen Elizabeth," in Great Lives From History: Notorious Lives, ed. Carl L. Bankston III (Pasadena, CA: Salem Press, 2007): II.565-66 and II.655-56

"John Florio" and "Francis Meres,"  in Tudor England: An Encyclopedia ed. Arthur F. Kinney, David W. Swain, Eugene D. Hill, William A. Long (New York and London: Garland Press, 2001): 262-63 and 483-84 (reprinted by Routledge, 2003)


Chaucer and Italian Culture, ed. Helen Fulton, for Renaissance Quarterly 77.3 (2025):

The Oxford Handbook of Early Modern English Literature and Religion, ed. Andrew Hiscock and Helen Wilcox, in Religious Studies Review 46.4 (Dec 2020): 491-92

Steven Nadler, Menasseh ben Israel: Rabbi of Amsterdam, in Seventeenth-Century News 77.3-4 (2019): 143-47

Gero Guttzeit, The Figures of Edgar Allan Poe: Authorship, Antebellum Literature, and Transatlantic Rhetoric, in Anglistik 30 (2019): 185-86

Patricia Phillippy, Shaping Remembrance from Shakespeare to Milton, in Renaissance Quarterly 72.4 (2019): 1588-89

Susan Harlan, Memories of War in Early Modern England, in Renaissance Quarterly 71.1 (Spring 2018): 412–13

Jessica Wolfe, Homer and the Question of Strife from Erasmus to Hobbes, in Seventeenth-Century News 75,.3-4 (Fall 2017): 78-85

Roger Moore, Jane Austen and the Reformation in The Sewanee Review 124.4 (Fall 2016): 665-66.

Poe's Pervasive Influence, ed. Barbara Cantalupo, in Poe Studies: History, Theory, Interpretation 48 (2015): 109-111

W.B. Patterson, William Perkins and the Making of Protestant England, in The Sewanee Review 123.4 (Fall 2015): lxv-lxvii.

Memory Before Modernity, ed. Erika Kuijpers et al., in Renaissance Quarterly 67.4 (Winter 2014): 1382-84

The Arts of Remembrance in Early Modern England: Memorial Cultures of the Post-Reformation, ed. Andrew Gordon and Thomas Rist, in Seventeenth-Century News 72.1-2 (2014): 31-34

Jeffrey S. Shoulson, Fictions of Conversion: Jews, Christians, and Cultures of Change in Early Modern England, in The Sewanee Review 122.4 (Fall 2014): lii-lv

Jonathan A. Cook, Inscrutable Malice: Theodicy, Eschatology, and the Biblical Sources of "Moby-Dick," in The Sewanee Review 121.3 (Summer 2013): liii-lv

Eva Johanna Holmberg, Jews in the Early Modern English Imagination, in Seventeenth-Century News 71.1-2 (2013): 28-31

Jonathan Baldo, Memory in Shakespeare's History Plays, in Renaissance Quarterly 66.1 (Spring 2013): 338-39

Andrew Hiscock, Reading Memory in Early Modern Literature, in Renaissance Quarterly 65.3 (Fall 2012): 1000-1001

Margaret Willes, The Making of the English Gardener: Plants, Books and Inspiration, 1560-1660, in Seventeenth-Century News 70.1-2 (2012): 55-8

Achsah Guibbory, Christian Identity: Jews and Israel in Seventeenth-Century England, in Seventeenth-Century News 69.1-2 (2011): 13-16

Jennifer Summit, Memory's Library: Medieval Books in Early Modern England, in Seventeenth-Century News 67.3-4 (2009): 134-38

Gilbert H. Muller, William Cullen Bryant: Author of America, in The Sewanee Review 117.4 (Fall 2009): lxxv-lxxvi

Peter Mitchell, "The Purple Island" and Anatomy in Early Seventeenth-Century Literature, Philosophy, and Theology, in Seventeenth-Century News 66.3-4 (2008): 164-67

Garrett Sullivan, Jr, Memory and Forgetting in English Renaissance Drama, in The Sewanee Review 115.2 (Spring 2007): xxxix-xl

Thomas Anderson, Performing Early Modern Trauma from Shakespeare to Milton, in The Sewanee Review 115.1 (Winter 2007): xvii-xviii

Jason Rosenblatt, Renaissance England's Chief Rabbi: John Selden, in Seventeenth-Century News 64.3-4 (2006): 176-79

Melanie L. Simo, Literature of Place, in The Independent Scholar 20:2-3 (2006): 32-33

Philip Roth, The Plot Against America, in The Sewanee Review 114.1 (Winter 2006): ix-xii

Douglas Trevor, The Poetics of Melancholy in Early Modern England, in The Spenser Review 36.3 (Fall 2005): 5-7

Emily R. Wilson, Mocked with Death: Tragic Overliving from Sophocles to Milton, in Shakespeare Yearbook 15 (2005): 453-58

The Uses of Script and Print, 1300-1700, ed. Julia Crick and Alexandra Walsham, in Seventeenth-Century News 63.1-2 (2005): 50-53

Millicent Bell, Shakespeare's Tragic Skepticism and Stephen J. Greenblatt, Will in the World: How Shakespeare Became Shakespeare, in The Sewanee Review 113.3 (Summer 2005): lvii-lxii

"One Equall Light": An Anthology of the Writings of John Donne, ed. John Moses, in The Sewanee Review 113.3 (Summer 2005): lxii-lxvi

Michael Bath, Scottish Painting in the Renaissance, in Seventeenth-Century News 62.3-4 (2004): 303-307

Abraham Cohen de Herrera, Gate of Heaven, trans. Kenneth Krabbenhoft, in Seventeenth-Century News 61.3-4 (2003): 197-202

Walter Stephens, Demon Lovers: Witchcraft, Sex, and the Crisis of Belief, in Seventeenth-Century News 61.3-4 (2003): 202-205

Bryan Reynolds, Becoming Criminal: Transversal Performance and Cultural Dissidence in Early Modern England, in Seventeenth-Century News 61.3-4 (2003): 286-89

Inge Leimberg, George Herbert, "The Temple" mit einer deutschen Versubersetzung, in Seventeenth-Century News 60.3-4 (2002), 189-91

At the Borders of the Human, ed. Erica Fudge et al., in Seventeenth-Century News 59.3-4 (2001): 254-58

Randolph Runyon, In La Fontaine's Labyrinth: A Thread Through "The Fables," in Seventeenth-Century News 59.3-4 (2001): 298-301

David Cressy, Travesties and Transgressions In Tudor And Stuart England, in Seventeenth-Century News 58.3-4 (2000): 223-26

John M. Headley, Tommaso Campanella and the Transformation of the World, in Seventeenth-Century News 57.3-4 (1999): 159-61

Sir Robert Cotton As Collector: Essays on an Early Stuart Courtier and His Legacy, ed. C.J. Wright, in Seventeenth-Century News 57.1-2 (1999): 75-78

Albert H. Tricomi, Reading Tudor-Stuart Texts Through Cultural Historicism, in Seventeenth-Century News 56.3-4 (1998): 58-60

Andrew Weeks, Paracelsus: Speculative Theory and the Crisis of the Early Reformation, in Journal of English and Germanic Philology 97.2 (1998): 247-49

Daniel Martin, Le Triptyque des "Essais" de Montaigne et l'héraldique des dieux greco-romains," in Sixteenth Century Journal 28.2 (1997): 613-15

Michael Bath, Speaking Pictures: The Emblem Book in Renaissance Culture, in Sixteenth Century Journal 25.4 (1994): 1010-12

Michael Steig, Stories of Reading: Subjectivity and Literary Understanding, in Philosophy and Literature 14.1 (1990): 217-19

Huston Diehl, An Index of Icons in English Emblem Books, 1500-1700, in Shakespeare Quarterly 39.2 (1988): 263-65



review of Mitchell Chefitz, The Seventh Telling, in The Nashville Observer, Oct 15, 2004

"Post-Conference Tour: Southern Germany," WACRA Newsletter (Spring 2003)

exhibit articles on Calder, on Matisse, and on Art at Historically Black Colleges, VAAN Newsletter (2000-01)

"Tips for Travelers Waiting for the Shelling to Stop: A Journey to Israel" (NJF, 2000)

"Of Donkeys and Elephants," for the KnightRidder wire service (1996)

"Once While in Washington, D.C.," Vanderbilt Review 12 (1996): 95

"High School Homecoming," Vanderbilt Review 11 (1995): 52

"Trinity Chapel," Vanderbilt Review 10 (1994): 49

"An Intersection in Hartford," Vanderbilt Review 9 (1993): 64-65

"A Season in Change," Vanderbilt Review 6 (1990): 21

Nick B. Williams Professor of Literature, Univ of the South, 2013-present

Professor, Univ of the South, Sewanee, TN, 2011-13

Associate Professor, Univ of the South, Sewanee, TN, 2008-11

Visiting Assistant Professor, Univ of the South, Sewanee, TN, 2004-08

Fencing Master and Instructor, Univ of the South, Sewanee, 2011-present

Assistant Director, Camp Horseshoe, Rhinelander, WI, Summers 2004-11

Educational Consultant, Nashville Holocaust Memorial, 2004-10

Adjudicator, Scholastic Programs Administration, Nashville, TN, 2004-09

Chair, English-Speaking Union's Regional Shakespeare Contest, 2002-04

Educational Consultant, Tennessee Holocaust Commission, Nashville, 2000-02

Tennessee Commission for Continuing Legal Education, 1998-2000

Assistant Coach, Nashville Fencing Academy, 1999-2005

Affiliate, Philosophy of Education Research Center, Harvard Univ, 1998-99

Visiting Scholar, Philosophy of Education, Harvard University, 1996-98

Assistant Professor; Department of English; Vanderbilt University, 1988-96

Instructor and Lecturer, University of California, Berkeley, 1986-88

Teaching Assistant, University of California, Berkeley, 1984-85

Visiting Lecturer, King's College; University of London, 1982-83

Instructor, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 1980-82

Advisory Committee, "Shakespearean Graves" Project, Exeter, UK, 2024

independent evaluator (QSIU) English, University College Cork, IE, 2023

Special subcommittee on Membership Retention and Expansion, RSA, 2020

Awards Committee, Poe Studies Association 2012-15, 2017-20, 2022-25

Harper Fund Travel Award Committee, SAMLA, 2016-18

Chair, Bainton Book Prize, Sixteenth Century Studies, 2015-17

Editorial Board, Renaissance Quarterly, 2015-20

Discipline Representative (Emblems), Renaissance Society of America, 2015-20

"Member-at-Large," Poe Studies Association, 2013-17

Editorial Board, Connotations: A Journal for Critical Debate, 1989-present

Outside Assessor of Scholarship for tenure candidates, 2009-present

Outside Consultant, review of comprehensive liberal arts college, Dec 2009

Conference Committee, National Coalition of Independent Scholars, 2008

Executive Board Nominating Committee, NCIS, 2007

Docent Training Manual and Tours; Nashville Holocaust Memorial, 2006-07

Delegate Assembly (Independent Scholars & Alternative Careers), MLA, 2004-06

Vice President, National Coalition of Independent Scholars, 2004

Co-Director for Junior Olympic Fencing Trials, Tennessee USFA Nov 13, 2004

Secretary, English-Speaking Union, Nashville Chapter, 2003-04

Chair, Nashville Citywide Israeli Independence Day Celebration, 2002

Executive Board, Peoples' Branch Theatre in Nashville, 2001-04

Executive Board, National Coalition of Independent Scholars, 2001-05

Educational Committee, Jewish Federation of Nashville, 1998-2004

Chair, Tennessee Division, United States Fencing Association, 1998-2001

Chair, Nominating Committee Sixteenth Century Studies Exec Board, 1997-98

Educational Consultant, Nashville Institute of the Arts,1989-92

Reader for books:: Palgrave, HarperCollins, Duquesne, Vanderbilt, Lehigh, Edwin Mellen, Routledge

Reader for articles: Huntington Library Quarterly, Early Modern Cultural Studies, Modern Philology, 
Journal of the International Boethius Society, Early Modern Literary Studies, Emblematica, Reformation,
Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes; Textes et Contextes 

Awarded Herzog August Bibliothek Fellowship, Wolfenbüttel, for Fall 2020

Short Term Reader Fellow, The Huntington Library, San Marino, CA, Spring  2018

Faculty Research Award, The University of the South, Easter 2017

Delegate for Teacher Exchange Program, Hadera, Israel, Winter Recess 2008

Nominated Teacher of the Year, The University of the South, 2007

Red Ribbon Society (The University of the South), inducted Advent 2006

Phi Sigma Tau, Philosophy Honor Society (University of the South), Easter 2005

Israeli Teachers' Union, Tel Aviv/Jerusalem (Traveling/Research Fellow), May 2000

USA Olympic Coaches College, Colorado Springs, CO (Level One Foil), August 1999

Leonard Bernstein Center for Education Through the Arts (Fellow), 1997-99

NEH Council for Basic Education; Humanities Seminar (Team Leader), Summer 1998

NEH Folger Shakespeare Institute seminars; Washington, D.C., Fall 1994 and 1995

Ernest A. Jones Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award, Vanderbilt University, 1992

Newberry Library, Chicago, IL (Short Term Consortium Research Fellow), 1989-96

Robert Penn Warren Center for the Humanities, TN (Resident Fellow), 1989-90

William R. Hearst Fellow, Huntington Library, San Marino, CA, Summers 1988-89

Exxon Fellow for Advanced Study, The Huntington Library, SanMarino, CA 1987

Phi Beta Kappa (Trinity College, Hartford; Beta of Connecticut), inducted 1980

President's Fellow, Department of Education, Trinity College, Hartford, 1978-1980

(a) international
"About feline consciousness,” 4th Intl. Poe and Hawthorne, Paris, FR, 2 July 2025

"The play of verse, Richard II," ESRA: European Shakespeare, Porto, PT, 9 July 2025

"Visual Hermeneutics and John Day," "Sixteenth Cen Conf, Toronto, CA, 1 Nov 2023

"The Wandering Jew Legend in the Reformation," RefoRC, Palermo, IT, 14 May 2024

"Anthologies and Canonicity," Connotations Symposium, Ellwangen, DE, 31 July 2023

"The Death Arts and..." Sheffield Hallam/Bangor Early Modern Seminar, UK, 18 Apr 2023

"Animals in 'Sleepy Hollow,'" Popular Imagination Conference , Madrid, ES, 16 Sept 2022

"Commonplace Books," Society for the History of Rhetoric, Nijmegen, NL, 3 Aug 2022

"Emblems and..." Sheffield Hallam/Bangor Early Modern Seminar, UK, 16 Mar 2021

 "Shakespearean backstories,” Société Française Shakespeare, Paris, FR, 11 Jan 2020

"Marx's literary annotations," Connotations Symposium, Tübingen, DE, 29 July 2019

"The Early Modern Death Arts," University of Kent, Canterbury, UK, 20 May  2019

“Erasmus and Rhetorical Commonplaces," RSA, Toronto, CA, 17-19 March 2019

"Poe reads Montaigne ,” 3rd International Poe Conference, Kyoto, JP, 21 June 2018

"Protestant Memory Arts," 8th RefoRC Conference, Univ of Warsaw, PL 24 May 2018

"Queen Elizabeth's Prayer Book," Reformation Conf, Univ of Ottawa, CA, 6 Oct  2017

"The Canterbury Tales as Danse Macabre, Carleton Univ, Ottawa, CA, 6 Oct 2017

"Remnants of Time, Alciato to Holbein," Intl Emblem Society, Nancy, FR, 6 July 2017

"Number, Pattern, & Meaning in Chaucer's 'Monk's Tale,'" SCSC, Bruges, BE, 19 Aug 2016

"Migrating Figures: the Wandering Jew," MLA International, Dusseldorf, DE, 24 June 2016

"Memory out-musing the Muses: Mirror for Magistrates," SCSC, Vancouver, CA, 24 Oct 2015

"Spenser's Places of Memory," Intl Spenser Conference, Dublin, IE, 19 June 2015

"Images in The Memory Arts in Renaissance England, RSA, Berlin, DE, 27 March 2015

"Poe and ˜the grandeur of old Rome,'" Conversazioni in Italia, Florence, IT, 9 June 2012

"Locative Memory in Shakespeare," Société Française Shakespeare, Paris, FR, 23 Mar 2012

"Memory Machines: Platt & Willis," Sixteenth Century Studies, Montreal, CA, 15 Oct 2010

"Renaissance Commodification of Information,"  Freie Universität, Berlin, DE, 16 Jan 2010

"Classroom Mnemonics," Academy for Creative Teaching, Munich, DE, 5 Jan 2008

"The Aesthetic of Chiasmus," Philosophy and Literature, Helsinki, FI, 30 May 2005

"Sites and Sounds of Arcadia" Symposium on Iconicity, Krakow, PL, 17 March 2005

"Bonds of Service," Shakespeare Association (seminar), Victoria, CA, 12 April 2003

"Handling Memory as Merchandise," University of Calgary, Alberta, CA, 3 April 2003

"Faust" in Noelle Lawson's translation of Goethe, Univ of Calgary, Alberta, 2 April 2003

"The Performance of Memory," Staff Seminar, Univ of Auckland, NZ, 20 March 2003

"Hidden Design in Sidney's Arcadia," 314 Lecture, Univ of Auckland, NZ, 19 March  2003

"Mapping Legacies of Learning," WACRA, Mannheim, DE, 30 June 2002

"Teaching the Holocaust," Academy for Creative Teaching, Vienna, Austria, 7 Jan 2002

"Ralegh's cunning terminus," Thomas Harriot Society, Univ of Durham, UK, 17 Dec 2000

"The Way of the Sword,: Pedagogical Demonstration" WACRA, Lucerne, CH, 6 Jan 2000

"Alexander Ross & Oswald Spengler," Seventeenth-Century, Durham, UK, 26 July 1999

"Can Ethics Be Taught," Academy for Creative Teaching, Lucerne, CH, 6 January 1999

"The Breath of Death," Sixteenth Century Conference, Toronto, CA, 25 Oct 1998

"Space of Translation," Society for Literary Studies, Johannesburg, RSA 4 June 1998

"Implementing Classroom Mnemonics," WACRA, Lucerne, CH, 10 Jan 1998

"Sampling the Silent in the Renaissance," MLA, Toronto, CA, 28 Dec 1997

"Applied Mnemonics," Innovations in Higher Education, Vancouver, CA, 5 Nov 1996

"Mnemonics that work," Humanist Curricula, Concordia Univ, Montreal, CA, 22 Feb 1996

"Robert Dudley & Emblems," Intl Emblem Conference, Glasgow Univ, UK, 14 Aug 1990

"Alexander Ross," European National Traditions, Glasgow Univ, UK, 10 Aug 1990

"Death at the Margins," Renaissance Society of America, Toronto, CA, 6  April 1990

"Cataloging a Collection," Intl Emblem Conference, Univ of Strathclyde, UK,  13 Aug 1987

"Living with Death," Seventeenth Century Studies, Univ of Durham, UK, 7 July 1987

"Van Dyke in Stuart England," exhibition address, National Portrait Gallery, UK, 14 April 1983

"Renaissance Floral Iconography," The Warburg Institute, London, UK, 23 March 1983

(b) national
"English Renaissance Love Arts, 1 & 2," two linked seminars, RSA, Boston, 21 Mar 2024

"Aemilia Lanyer's Subtle Art of Death," Renaissance Society of America, Boston, 20 Mar 2025

"Mnemonic Frontispieces," Corinth Colloquium, Emory Univ, Atlanta, GA, 26 Sept 2024

"Embodied Imagination," Renaissance Society of America, Chicago, IL, 22 March 2024

“The Early Modern Paperworld,” International House, Univ of Tenn, Knoxville, TN 29 Jan 2024

"John Day and Visual Hermeneutics," Sixteenth Cen Studies Conf, Baltimore, MD, 27 Oct 2023

"Remembering the Death, Arts" Renaissance Society of America, San Juan, PR, 10 March 2023

"Printers' Emblematic Colophons," Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI 12 May 2023

"John Day's Protestant Iconography," Sixteenth Century Studies Conf, Minneapolis, 21 Oct 2022

"Teaching Poe in a College Composition class," Poe Studies Association, Fall Forum, 17 Sept 2021

“The Tug of Memory" invited paper, Shakespeare Association (seminar), DC, 18 April 2019

“The Sixteenth-Century Death Arts,” Sixteenth Century Studies Conf, St. Louis, 19 Oct 2019

Erasmus, Camden, and the mnemonic art of the rebus," MLA, Chicago, 3 Jan 2019

"Dugdale and the Place of History in England’s Memory Arts," SCSC, Albuquerque, 3 Nov 2018

"The Dance of Death and the Mirror of Allegory,” RSA, New Orleans, 22 March 2018

“’Master Printer of the English Reformation’: John Day,” SCSC, Milwaukee, 28 Oct 2017

"Applied Mnemonics," English Renaissance Colloquium, Harvard Univ, Cambridge, 19 April 2017

"Renaissance Variations on The Death's Head," RSA, Chicago, 30 March 2017

"Early Modern Memory," Hudson Strode Center, Univ of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, 22 Mar 2017

"Mnemosyne's Legacy," Group for Pre-Modern Cultural Studies, Vanderbilt Univ, 24 Feb 2017

"Cultural History of Memory," Nora Falkenflik Lecture, Univ of California, Irvine, 25 Jan 2017

"Poe's holograph annotations," The Huntington Library, San Marino, 22 Jan 2017

"Ovidean Echoes in Late Shakespearean,"Univ of Wisconsin, Madison, 7 Dec 2016

"Anthologizing Early Modern Memory," Newberry Library Colloquium, Chicago, 30 Nov 2016

"Images and the Renaissance Memory Arts," The Huntington Library, San Marino, 22 Sept 2016

"Performative mnemonics: Herbert's Incarnational Poetics," RSA, Boston, 1 Apr 2016

"'Domain of Arnheim' Decoded," 4th Intl Poe Conference, NYC, 28 Feb 2015

"The Book Trade and Early Modern Studies," SAMLA, Buckhead-Atlanta, 8 Nov 2014

"Visual Exegesis," Mellon Foundation Sawyer Lecture, Emory Univ, Atlanta, 31 Mar 2014

"Slips of Thought: Alciato and Holbein," Sixteenth Cen Studies, San Juan, PR, 24 Oct 2013

"Jaunty dialogs with the non-human," Positively Poe, Charlottesville, VA, 25 June 2013

"Renaissance Drama and Applied Emblematics," RSA, San Diego, 6 April 2013

"Blazing through the Gothic: ˜Metzengerstein,'Poe panel at MLA, Boston, 4 Jan 2013

"Circulation of Mnemic Energy on Stage," Sixteenth Cen Studies, Cincinnati, 25 Oct 2012

"Quarles's Emblemes & Poe's 'Eldorado,'" American Lit Assoc, San Francisco, 25 May 2012

"Milton in Melville's Moby Dick," Conf on John Milton, MTSU, Murfreesboro, TN, 14 Oct 2011

"Jupiter's dialect in 'The Gold Bug," American Literature Association, Boston, 28 May 2011

"Melville's Miltonic notion of Providence," American Lit Assoc, San Francisco ,27 May 2010

"Chaucer's Garrulous Crow," 45th Congress on Med Studies, Kalamazoo, 13 May 2010

"Adventures in Chiasmus," Arizona Center for Med & Ren Studies, Tempe, 16 Feb 2010

"Milton's use of Anglo-Saxon," Conf on John Milton, MTSU, Murfreesboro, TN 15 Oct  2009

"Poe's Debt to Baroque Aesthetics," Poe Bicentennial Conf, Philadelphia, 8 Oct 2009

"The Stuff of Allegory in Chaucer's later works," RSA, Los Angeles, 20 Mar 2009

"Lovers' Time in Chaucer," Medieval/Renaissance Colloquium, NYC, 6 Dec 2008

"Death's Dance, Lydgate to Holbein," Sixteenth Century Studies, St. Louis, 25 Oct 2008

"Chaucer's debt to Boethius, 43rd Medieval Colloquium, Kalamazoo, 8 May 2008

"Alciato and Cassirer," 42st Medieval Colloquium, Kalamazoo, 10 May 2007

"Milton's recourse to Old English in the epics," RSA, Miami, 22 Mar 2007

"Dramatic Symmetry in Shakespeare's Pericles," RSA, San Francisco, 23 Mar 2006

"Philip Roth's Historical Turn," American Lit panel at MLA,, in DC, 27 Dec 2005

"Memory's Return," National Coalition of Independent Scholars, NYC, 16 Oct 2004

"Shakespeare's Use of Diana," Renaissance Society of America, NYC, 12 April 2004

"Spenser's 'Goodly Cabinet,'" Spenser Panel at MLA, San Diego, 27 Dec 2003

"Teaching Marginality," MTSU Holocaust Conf, Murfreesboro, TN, 21 Nov 2003

"Performativity," Early Modern Cultural Studies, Newport Beach, CA, 25 Oct 2003

"The Legacy of Louis Martz," South Central RSA, New Orleans, 6 March 2003

"Theurgic Elements," Medieval Drama panel at MLA, NYC  29 Dec 2002

"David in Protestant Poetics," Medieval/Renaissance Colloquium, NYC, 6 Dec 2002

"Gibberish and Forgetting," Early Modern Cultural Studies, Tampa, 20 Nov 2002

"Education & Anarchy," Southern Festival of Books, Nashville, 11-13 Oct 2002

"Poe's Poetic Puzzles," International Poe Conference, Baltimore, 5 Oct 2002

"Rhetorical Mnemonics," Renaissance Society of America, Tempe, 11 April 2002

"Kinetic Emblems," Conference on Literature, The Citadel, Charleston, 7 Feb 2002

"The Voice of the Voyageur," Early Modern Studies Conf, Philadelphia, 18 Nov 2001

"Performing Death," Medieval/Renaissance Colloquium, NYC, 2 Dec 2000

"Exemplars," National Coalition of Independent Scholars, Durham, NC, 27 Oct 2000

"Teaching Mercator'" Early Modern Studies, Vanderbilt Univ, Nashville, 7 Jan 2000

"Pallida Mors," Early Modern Studies, Vanderbilt Univ, Nashville, 29 Nov 1999

"Pragmatic Aesthetics," Philosophy of Education, Loyola Univ, Chicago, 6 Nov 1999

"The Emblem in Descartes," Philosophy and Literature, Hartford, 12 May 1999

"Teaching Masterworks," Association for Core Texts, New Orleans, 8 April 1999

"Letting Learning Happen," Innovations in Education, Costa Mesa, CA, 4 Nov1998

"Paracelsus: 'Let No One Serve Another," Minnesota Historical Society, St Paul, 3 Oct 1998

"Aesthetic Core of Teaching," Philosophy of Education Conference, Chicago, 15 Nov 1997

"Aesthetic Issues," The Renaissance Center, Univ of Massachusetts, Amherst, 12 Nov 1997

"Speaking through Job," Sixteenth Century Conference, Atlanta, 24 Oct 1997

"Moriskors," Shakespeare Association of America seminar, DC., 29 Mar 1997

"Digesting History" South Central Renaissance Conference, Austin, 21 Mar 1997

"Slips of Thought," Early Modern Studies, Vanderbilt Univ, Nashville, 17 Feb 1997

"Preparing to Travel," Italian 17th cen. panel at MLA, Washington, DC, 27 Dec 1996

"Living with Symbols," Harvard Philosophy of Education, Cambridge, 18 Nov 1996

"Mnemonic Itineraries," Sixteenth Century Studies, St. Louis, 25 Oct 1996

"Moors in the Morris Dance?" Southwest RSA,  The Huntington Library, 11 May 1996

"Manual Mnemonics," RSA, Bloomington, IN, 23 Mar1996

"Blackamoors," Sixteenth Century Studies Conf, San Francisco, 25 Oct 1995

"Reforming Oneself," Intl Emblem Studies Conference, Minneapolis, 27 Apr 1995

"Charmed Space," Shakespeare Association of America seminar, 25 Mar 1995

"Monstrous Prodigies," Comparative Literature Association, Atlanta, 17 Mar 1995

"Melancholy Memory Theatres," NEH-Folger seminar, Washington DC,10  Nov 1994

"Figuring Opposition: Mors and Moors," RSA, Dallas, 22 Apr 1994

"Touring Mnemonic Tableaux," Sixteenth Century Studies, St. Louis, 9 Dec 1993

"Early modern printing," Southwest RSA, San Marino, CA, 9 May 1993

"Mnemonics in Renaissance Literature," Newberry Library, Chicago, IL, 1 May 1993

"Masculine Parturition," Renaissance Society of America, Kansas City, MO, 12 Apr 1993

"Imagining Places," Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, DC, 16 Dec 1992

"Reading the World in Maps," Barnard/Columbia Medieval Conf, NYC, 8 Dec 1992

"Bacchus's Place," Montaigne Colloquium, Univ of Mass at Amherst, MA, 16 Oct 1992

"The Ars Memorativa," Intl Emblem Conference, Chattanooga, TN, 1 May 1992

"Discourses of Knowledge," Southwest RSA, San Marino, CA, 8 May 1992

"Montaigne's Body, Foreign Language Conference, Lexington, KY, 25 April 1992

"Digesting Montaigne's Life," Sixteenth Century Studies, Philadelphia, PA, 19 Oct 1991

"Rabelais in Renaissance England," Intl Rabelais Symposium, Nashville, TN, 19 Sept 1991

"Foreign Bodies in Montaigne's Essais," South Atlantic MLA, Tampa, FL, 15 Nov 1990

"Tria Sunt Omnia,'" Sixteenth Century Studies, St. Louis, MO, 30 Oct 1990

"Checking Difference and Death," Southwest RSA, San Marino, CA, 11 May 1990

"The Body in Memory Theatres," Philosophy and Literature, UC Irvine, 22 Apr 1990

"Dumb-Shows & Emblems," Shakespeare Association seminar, 13 Apr 1990

"Milton's 'Other Shape,'" South Atlantic MLA, Atlanta, GA, 9 Nov 1989

"Patrons of Emblems," Sixteenth Century Conference, Minneapolis, MN, 16 Oct 1989

"Laws of Heraldry," Medieval Colloquium, Univ of the South, Sewanee, TN, 14 April 1989

"Portraying Death," Southwest RSA. Huntington Library, San Marino, CA, 6 Apr 1989

"Mnemonic Criticism," Renaissance Aesthetics panel at MLA, New Orleans, 29 Dec 1988

"The Politics of Virtue," French Enlightenment panel at MLA, New Orleans, 30 Dec 1988

"Burton's Portrait," English Renaissance Prose, Purdue, West Lafayette, IN, 15 Oct 1988

"Montaigne's Scene of Writing," Montaigne Symposium, Univ of Mass, Amherst, 9 Oct 1988

"The Drama of Emblems," Southwest RSA, The Huntington Library, San Marino, 16 Apr 1988

"Persistence of Heraldry," Pacific Northwest Renaissance Conf, Eugene, OR, 9 Apr 1988

"Internal City-Planning: Applying Mnemonics," RSA, New York, NY, 17 March 1988

"Dances of Death," Sixteenth Century Studies, Univ of Arizona, Tempe, AZ, 31 Oct 1987

"Burton''s Recreation, Southwest RSA, The Huntington Library, San Marino, CA, 2 May 1987

"The Decorum of late-Medieval Hieroglyphics," RSA, Tempe, AZ, 13 Mar 1987

"Ruined Structures," Southwest RSA, The Huntington Library, San Marino, CA, 5 Apr 1986

"Early Modern Literature & Religion,: Sixteenth Century Conf, Toronto, CA, 31 Oct 2024

"Early Modern Epistemologies," Sixteenth Century Conference, Baltimore, MD, 28 Oct 2023

"The Shakespearean Death Arts," Shakespeare Association seminar, April 2020 (remote)

"Memory and Mortality" Symposium, The Warburg Institute, London, UK, 19 May 2019

"Points of Contention and Dialogic Relations," RSA, Toronto, CA, 18 Mar 2019

“Emblems and Cognition in Renaissance England,” RSA, Toronto, CA, 18 Mar 2019

“Memory and History: Mirror for Magistrates," SCSC, Albuquerque, 3 Nov 2019

OUP Handbook to Poe: Aims & Strategies,” Intl Poe Conference, Kyoto, JP, 23 June  2018

“Emblematic Resolutions,” RSA, New Orleans, 23 Mar 2018

“The Poetics of Memory in Sidney & Spenser,” RSA, New Orleans, 23 Mar 2018

“Ritual & Memory in Drama," RSA, New Orleans, 23 Mar 2018

“Visuality and Baroque Emblematics,” RSA, New Orleans, 23 Mar 2018

"The Development of a Protestant Memory Art," SCSC, Milwaukee, 28 Oct 2017

"Printers and Paratext in Early Modern England," SCSC, Milwaukee, 29 Oct 2018 

"Emblem and the Continent," RSA, Chicago, 30 Mar 2017

"Emblems and England," RSA, Chicago, 30 Mar 2017

"The Blazon: Affect, Image, Text," RSA, Chicago, 30 Mar 2017

"Borders and Boundaries," Sewanee Medieval Colloquium, 10 Mar 2017

"Numbers, Numerology, and Literary Design," SCSC, Bruges, BE, 19 Aug 2016

"Rhetoric & Writing on the Early Modern Stage," SCSC, Bruges, BE, 20 Aug 2016

"Translating the Classics," MLA International, Dusseldorf, DE, 25 June 2016

"Poe & Blackness," PSA Panel, American Literature Assoc, San Francisco,19  May 2016

"Emblematic Negotiations," Emblem Panel, RSA, Boston, 1 Apr 2016

Roundtable on "Publishing your first book," RSA, Boston, 30 Mar 2016

"Rhetoric and Image in Renaissance England," RSA, 1 Apr 2016

"Rhetoric, Poetics, & Early Modern Memory," SCSC, Vancouver, CA, 25 Oct 2015

"Poetics and Literary Form in Early Modern England," SCSC, Vancouver, 26 Oct 2015

"The Sublime," Poe Society session at American Literature Assoc, Boston, 15 Mar 2015

"Romance & the Postmodern," 4th International Poe Conference, NYC, 27 Feb 2015

"Renaissance Studies of Memory: European Perspectives,RSA, Berlin, DE, 28 Mar 2015

"Lyric Eruptions," Poe Society session at American Literature Assoc. D.C., 24 May 2014

Roundtable: "Memory and Emotion," Sewanee Medieval Colloquium, 5 Apr 2014

"Natures of Emotion," Sewanee Medieval Colloquium, 4 Apr 2014

"Poetics and Criticism in the English 17th century, SCSC, San Juan, PR, 25 Oct 2013

"Poe & Ethics," Positively Poe Conference, Univ of Virginia, Charlottesville, 26 June 2013

"RenaissanceTextuality and Transformation," RSA, San Diego, 6 Apr 2013

"Shakespeare, Bacon, & the Culture of Renaissance England," SCSC, Cincinnati, 26 Oct 2012

"Forms of Elizabethan Drama," SCSC, Montreal, CA Oct 16, 2010

"Philosophical Poe," 3rd International Poe Conference, Philadelphia, 9 Oct 2009

"Milton's and Ideology," Milton Conference, MTSU, Murfreesboro, 16 Oct 2009

"Collaborative Learning," Academy for Creative Teaching, Munich, DE, 6 Jan 2008

"Renaissance Italy in the 21st Century," RSA, New York, NY, 14 March 2004

"Performativity," Early Modern Cultural Studies, Newport Beach, CA, 25 Oct 2003

"Sites of Forgetting," Early Modern Cultural Studies, Tampa, FL, 20 Nov 2002

"Realms of Rhetoric," Renaissance Society of America, Tempe, AZ, 13 Apr 2002

"Cartography Differently," Early Modern Cultural Studies, Philadelphia, 18 Nov 2001

"Perceptions of the World," Sixteenth Century Studies, Toronto, CA, 24 Oct 1997

"Secular Sententiae," Sixteenth Century Studies, Atlanta, GA, 24 Oct 1997

"Memory and Method," Sixteenth Century Studies, St. Louis, MO, 26 Oct 1996

"Montaigne & Women," Sixteenth Century Studies, St. Louis, MO, 25 Oct 1996

"Montaigne's Religion," Sixteenth Century Studies, St. Louis, MO, 24 Oct 1996

"Self-Exposure," Southwest RSA, Huntington Library, San Marino, 10 May 1996

"Poetic Openings," Philosophy Conf, Vanderbilt Univ, Nashville, 27 Jan 1996

"Cultural Reflection," Sixteenth Century Studies, San Francisco, CA, 25 Oct 1995

"Also France," Southwest RSA, Huntington Library, San Marino, 11 May 1994

"Dialogue & Dialogism," Philosophy & Literature, Emory Univ, Atlanta, 6 May 1989

"Judeophobia in the West," Jewish Cultural Center, Chattanooga, TN, 27 Oct 2024

The Chosen, Nashville Jewish Film Festival, Belcourt Theatre, Nashville, 10 Nov 2013

Docent Training, Nashville Holocaust Memorial, Jewish Community Center, Fall 2007

"Mapping Learning," Samford Education Symposium, Birmingham, 14-16 Oct  2002

"Teaching the Holocaust," Tennessee Holocaust Commission, workshops statewide, 2001

"Leading With Character" Quorum HealthCare, Aug 2000 / Feb 2001/ Sept 2001

"Creating a Culture," Westminster School/Curry-Ingram Academy, Nashville, 16 Aug  2000

"Transdisciplinary Teaching," The Akiva School, GJCC, Nashville TN, 14 Aug 2000

"Fencing as a Metaphor," Honors Program, Univ of AL in Birmingham, 4 Feb 2000

"Grading and Its Metaphors," University of Alabama in Birmingham, 3 Feb 2000

"Patterns of Leadership," Quorum Learning Institute, Brentwood, TN, 10 Aug 2000

"Artful Learning," New York Association of Independent Schools, NYC  19 Apr 1999

"5th Grade Composition," Wharton Magnet School, Nashville, 9 Dec 1998

"The Verbs We Use in Art," Tennessee Arts Academy, Belmont, 22-24 June 1998

"If I Had a Hammer" Curriculum Reform, Glencliff School, Nashville, TN, June 1998

"Woodland Indians," lecture-tour, Tennessee State Museum, Nashville, 8 May 1998

"Faculty on Faith," panel discussion, Baptist Student Union, Vanderbilt, 13 Feb 1997

"Are you Being Educated?," Student Forum, Vanderbilt Univ, Nashville, 14 Nov 1996

"Symbols we live with," High Museum Tour (middle school), Atlanta, 17 Sept 1996

"Thinking about Education," Alumni Series, Indian Springs School, AL, 25 Apr 1996

"What do exams accomplish?" Student Forum, Indian Springs, AL, 25 Apr 1996

"Self-governing bodies?" TownMeeting, Indian Springs School, AL, 25 April 1996

"Adventures in Listening to Poetry," Center for the Arts, Vero Beach, FL, 8 Jan 1995

"Gates of Memory," Dean's Forum, Birmingham Southern College, AL, 6 Mar 1991

"Emblems in Daily Life," honors workshop, McGavock High School, TN, Winter 1989

"The Wandering Jew, medieval legend & modern reality," WES, 4 Feb 2011

"Full lives, empty monuments: The Jews of Berlin," WES, 19 Feb 2010

"Life on the ground in Hadera, Israel," special program, WES, Winter 2009

"Elie Wiesel and the Holocaust," Hume-Fogg High School, Nashville, 17 Apr 2008

"Playing Shylock (after the Holocaust)," Belmont Univ, Nashville, 18 Oct 2007

"Shabbat Through the Ages," West End Synagogue, 20 Jan 2007

"The Truth Behind Jewish Stereotypes, West End Synagogue, 17 Nov 2006

"People of the Book," Library Dedication, Temple Emanuel, Birmingham, 8 Sept 2006

"The Nature of Repentance," d'vor torah, WES5 Sept 2006

"Jews of Krakow; Jews of Helsinki," WES, 13 Oct 2005

"Philip Roth's The Plot Against America," WES, 5 Feb 2005

"The Faces of Anti-Semitism, then and now," GJCC, lecture series, Nov 2004

"Compassion and Kabbalah," d'vor torah, WES, 6 Oct 2003

"Phineas's Legacy," d'vor torah, WES, 17 July 2003

"Recognizing The Jew: The Survival of Medieval Superstitions," GJCC, Spring 2003

"Fencing then and now," Boy Scouts Program, Nashville, Spring 2003

"Hitler's Vienna," WES Men's Club, Nashville, 12 Nov 2003

"Making Sense of Constantine's Sword," GJCC Book Fair, Spring 2002

"Eight Centuries of Anti-Semitism in Vienna," GJCC, Nashville, 18 Apr 2002

"Comfort after the Temple's Destruction?," d'var torah, WES, 8 Aug 2002

"Music Under the Third Reich," GJCC Book Fair, Fall 2002

"Grant's Anti-Semitism: General Order #11," GJCC, 12 Mar 2001

"Maimonides on the Ten Commandments," d'var torah, WES, 30 Jan 2000

"Robert Burns: Of Immortal Memory," Middle Tennessee Scottish Society, 27 Jan 2000

"Jewish Confederate Soldiers During the American Civil War" WES, 21 Mar 1999

Annual Robert E. Lee Address, The Order of Kappa Alpha, Vanderbilt Univ, 4 Feb 1995

"On the Trail of Cognitive Ecologies," Dean's Forum, Sewanee,  4 Dec 2024

"parsha Toldot," Jewish Student Association, Torian Room, 15 Nov 2023

Honoring W. B. Patterson, at VC Installation, Convocation Hall, 20 Oct 2023

Introduced Scott Newstok, Haines Lecture, Convocation Hall, 10 Oct 2023

"No person is an island: research update," Dean's Forum; Center for Teaching, 8 Dec 2022

introduced "Tolkien & Lewis, 1963"  Watson Memorial Lecture, Guerry, 2 Nov 2022

Writing House Publishing Panel, Gailor Auditorium, Sewanee, 22 Oct 2021

Flash Presentation on Recent Faculty Research, Social Lodge, 22 Mar 2019

Welcome address, Sewanee Scholars Weekend, Guerry Auditorium, 7 Mar 2019

“Memory and History in Early Modern England,” Gailor Auditorium, 18 Apr 2018

Welcome address, Sewanee Scholars Weekend, Guerry Auditorium, 6 Mar 2018

“Martin Luther and Reformation Print Culture,” Convocation Hall, 15 Nov 2017

"Placing the Displaced: The Wandering Jew," Conference on Place, EQB, 8 Apr 2017

Welcome address, Sewanee Scholars Weekend, Guerry Auditorium, 5 Mar 2017

"Research Report: Renaissance Memory," Dean's Forum, Center for Teaching, 3 Mar 2017

Guest Speaker, Class of '16 Senior Banquet, Cravens Hall, 18 Apr 2016

"The Corporeal Imaginary in the Renaissance, Conference  on The Body, EQB 15 Apr 2016

"Considering Spiritual Health," Panel sponsored by the Wellness Center, 5 Oct 2015

"Using the Caper Star," Teach and Tell Series, Center for Teaching, 28 Oct 2014

"Neil Shea & Literary Journalism," Sewanee Young Writers Program, 7 July 2014

"Genocide & Remembrance," Yom ha'Shoah Program, Convocation Hall,  28 Apr 2014

"The Covenant at Mt. Sinai," Catechumenate, All Saints' Chapel, 2 Oct 2013

"Saved by Water?," Growing in Grace, All Saints' Chapel, 26 Feb 2012

Porch Chat, dormitory open discussion, Humphrey's Hall, 10 Apr 2011

"Lewis as a Literary Critic," C. S. Lewis Symposium, Guerry Auditorium, 26 Mar 2011

"Classical mnemonics in the classroom," Sewanee Emeriti Assoc, EQB, 9 Feb 2011

panel on "Midterm Grades," Freshman Program, Bishops' Commons, 26 Oct 2010

Organized Milton's 400th birthday observance, All Saints' Chapel, 9 Dec 2008

"Background to the Pilgrimage Festivals," Hebrew class, SOT, 19 Nov 2008

"Media/Women/Violence," Pinnacle Luncheon, 18 Nov 2008

Introduced Michael J. B. Allen, Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Lecturer, 7 April 2008

Guest Speaker, Class of '08 Senior Banquet, Upper Cravens, 28 Feb 2008

Panel Speaker, Sewanee Women's Studies Conference, 11 Feb 2008

Introduced Marjorie Garber, Haines Lecture, Convocation Hall,15 Nov 2007

Guest Speaker, Class of '07 Senior Banquet, The Sewanee Inn, 20 Sept 2007

Admissions and Merit Scholars, 2024-present

Friends of the Library Executive Committee, 2021-24

Athletic Advisory Committee, 2022-23

Greek Alumni Council, 2020-present

Secretary of the Faculty Senate, 2021-present

University Faculty Council, 2018-present

steering committee, Rhetoric Program, 2018-present

steering committee, Humanities Program, 2014-present

Vice Chancellor's "Capital Campaign Cabinet," 2014-2019

coordinator, Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Lecturer, Univ of the South, 2017-18

co-chair of QEP task force, "Speaking Across the Curriculum," 2014-16

task force, Reconsidering the Academic Calendar, 2014-15

Ad Hoc Committee on Overseas Study & Financial Aid, 2014

Faculty Advisor, Order of The Gown, 2012-present

search committee for Italian Department, 2012-13

Ad Hoc Committee on Overseas Study & Financial Aid, 2011

Instructor & Coach, Sewanee Fencing, 2011-present

Curriculum Review Committee, Sewanee, 2011-2012

College Standards Committee, Sewanee, 2010-2023

Faculty Supervisor, Society Of Sewanee Scholars, 2010-2015

Sewanee Medieval Colloquium, Conference Committee, 2008-present

Interview committee, Rhodes, Marshall and Mitchell programs, 2008-present

Interviewer, for Living Learning Communities Coordinator, 2008

Faculty Advisor, Tau Delta chapter of DKE, Sewanee, 2008-present

University Lectures Committee, Sewanee, Advent 2008-2015

Chair, Nominating Committee, Phi Beta Kappa (Beta of Tennessee), 2008

Coordinator, Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Lecturer, Univ of the South, 2007-08

First year student Advisor, English Dept, Univ of the South, 2007-present

Library Liaison for English Department, Univ of the South 2004-present

* * *

Vanderbilt's Representative at the Newberry Library Consortium, 1994-96

Coordinator of Vanderbilt's Early Modern Studies Group, 1994-96

Senator, College of Arts and Science, Vanderbilt Univ, 1994-96

University Lecture Committee; Student Affairs Committee 1994-96

Executive Committee, Phi Beta Kappa (Alpha of Tennessee) 1992-95

Membership Committee, Phi Beta Kappa (Alpha of Tennessee) 1991-92

judge at Graduate Student Research Day, Vanderbilt Univ, 1995

judge for campus-wide "Athenian Sing," Vanderbilt Univ, 1995

Executive Committee, Vanderbilt Libraries, 1992-95

Search Committee for Vanderbilt Libraries 1991-93

Honors Scholarship Candidates Program, Vanderbilt Univ, 1992-96

ENGL 203 Roots of English Lit, Advent 2023

ENGL 357 Shakespeare 1 (1594-99), Advent 2024

PHED 106 & 306 Beginning & Advanced Fencing, Advent 2024

ENGL 101 Intro to Lit and Comp, Easter 2023

ENGL 212 Studies in Lit: Death & Memory, Easter 2023

ENGL 348 Middle Ages (1100-1500), NEW COURSE, Easter 2023

PHED 106 & 306 Beginning and Advanced Fencing, Easter 2023

ENGL 212 Studies in Lit: Death & Memory, NEW COURSE, Easter 2022

ENGL 354 Early Women's Voices, NEW COURSE, Easter 2022

HUMN 105 Early Modern Texts and Contexts, Easter 2022

PHED 106 & 306 Beginning and Advanced Fencing, Easter 2022

ENGL 101 Intro to Lit and Comp, Advent 2021

ENGL 203 Roots of Western  Lit, Advent 2021

PHED 106 & 306 Beginning and Advanced Fencing, Advent 2021

ENGL 349 Renaissance Women Writers [NEW COURSE], Easter 2020

HUMN 105 Early Modern Texts and Contexts [NEW COURSE]. Easter 2020

ENGL 101 Intro to Literature and Composition, Easter 2020

PHED 106 & 306 Beginning and Advanced Fencing, Easter 2019

MDST 400 Medieval Lives and Afterlives [NEW COURSE], Easter 2019

ENGL 353 Renaissance Drama, Easter 2019

ENGL 211 Studies in Fiction (19th cen American), Easter 2019

PHED 106 & 306 Beginning and Advanced Fencing, Advent 2018

ENGL 357 Shakespeare I, Advent 2018

ENGL 401 Literary Criticism, Advent 2018

PHED 106 & 306 Beginning and Advanced Fencing, Easter 2018

ENGL 351 Medieval English Literature, Easter 2018

ENGL 358 Shakespeare II, Easter 2018

HUMN 105 Early Modern World [NEW COURSE], Easter 2018

PHED 106 & 306 Beginning and Advanced Fencing, Advent 2017

ENGL 203 Roots of Western Literature, Advent 2017

ENGL 401 Literary Criticism, Advent 2017

PHED 106 & 306: Beginning & Advanced Fencing, Easter 2016

ENGL 101 Intro to Literature & Composition, Easter 2016

ENGL 203 Roots of Western Literature, Easter 2016

ENGL 351 Medieval English Literature, Easter 2016

PHED 106 & 306 Beginning & Advanced Fencing, Advent 2015

HUMN 207 WWI & Early Modern Memory [NEW COURSE], Advent 2015

ENGL 101 Intro to Literature & Composition, Advent 2015

PHED 106 & 306 Beginning & Advanced Fencing, Easter 2015

ENGL 101 Intro to Literature & Composition, Easter 2015

ENGL 359 Renaissance Drama, Easter 2015

ENGL 203 Roots of Western Literature, Easter 2015

PHED 106 & 306 Beginning & Advanced Fencing, Advent 2014

LITC 401 Literary Theory & Criticism, Advent 2014

HUMN 203 Manifestos, Movements, & Terrorism [NEW COURSE], Advent 2014

PHED 106 & 306 Beginning & Advanced Fencing, Easter 2014

ENGL 203 Roots of Western Literature, Easter 2014

ENGL 101 Intro to Literature & Composition, Easter 2014

PHED 106 & 306 Beginning & advanced Fencing, Advent 2013

LITC 401 Literary Criticism, Advent 2013

ENGL 352 Chaucer, Advent 2103

HUMN 201 Early Modern World, Advent 2013

PHED 106 & 306 Beginning & Advanced Fencing, Easter 2013

ENGL 203 Roots of Western Lit [NEW COURSE], Easter 2013

ENGL 351 Medieval English Literature, Easter 2013

ENGL 352 Chaucer, Easter 2013

PHED 106 & 306:Beginning & Advanced Fencing, Advent 2012

ENGL 352 Chaucer, Advent 2012

ENGL 353 Renaissance Drama, Advent Term 2012

HUMN 201 Early Modern Atlantic World, Advent 2012

PHED 106 & 306 Beginning & Advanced Fencing, Easter 2012

ENGL 358 Shakespeare II, Easter 2012

ENGL 101 Intro to Literature and Composition, Easter 2012

HUMN 102 The Medieval World, Easter 2012

PHED 106 & 306 Beginning & Advanced Fencing, Advent 2011

ENGL 352 Chaucer, Advent 2011

ENGL 359 Renaissance Poetry, Advent 2011

HUMN 201 Early Modern Atlantic World, Advent 2011

ENGL 101 Intro to Literature and Composition, Easter 2011

ENGL 211 Studies in Fiction (19th cen American), Easter 2011

ENGL 352 Chaucer, Easter 2011

ENGL 101 Intro to Literature and Composition, Advent 2010

ENGL 211 Studies in Fiction (19th cen American), Advent 2010

ENGL 353 Renaissance Drama, Advent 2010

HUMN 102 The Medieval World, Easter 2009

ENGL 352 Chaucer, Easter 2009

ENGL 353 Renaissance Drama, Easter 2009

ENGL 359 Renaissance Literature I, Advent 2008 (after Fall Break)

ENGL 362 Milton, Advent 2008

ENGL 101 (two sections) Intro to Literature and Composition, Advent 2008

ENGL 352 Chaucer, Easter 2008

HUMN 102 The Medieval World, Easter 2008

ENGL 381 Modern British Poetry, Easter 2008

ENGL 101(two sections) Intro to Literature and Composition, Advent 2007

ENGL 362 Milton, Advent 2007

ENGL 101 Intro to Literature and Composition, Easter 2007

ENGL 352 Chaucer, Easter 2007

HUMN 102 The Medieval World, Easter 2007

ENGL 101 (two sections) Intro to Literature and Composition, Advent 2006

ENGL 362 Milton, Advent 2006

ENGL 101 Intro to Literature and Composition, Easter 2006

ENGL 353 Renaissance Drama, Easter 2006

HUMN 102 The Medieval World, Easter 2006

ENGL 101 (two sections) Intro to Literature and Composition, Advent 2005

ENGL 362 Milton, Advent 2005

ENGL 101 Intro to Literature and Composition, Easter 2005

ENGL 358 Shakespeare, II, Easter 2005

HUMN 102 The Medieval World, Easter 2005

ENGL 101 (two sections) Intro to Literature and Composition, Advent 2004

ENGL 253 Renaissance Drama, Advent 2004

ENGL 101 (three sections) Intro to Literature and Composition, Easter 2004

COURSES TAUGHT at Vanderbilt
English 257 Seventeenth Century Prose [NEW COURSE], Spring 1996

English 115-W The Examined Life (Freshman Seminar), Spring 1996

English 150 Representative English Writers, Fall 1995

English 115-W Realizing Destiny (Freshman Seminar), Fall 1995

English 250 Renaissance Drama [NEW COURSE], Spring 1995

English 112-W Introduction to Poetry, Spring 1995

English 150 Representative English Writers, Fall 1994

English 115-W Life as Journey (Freshman Seminar), Fall 1994

English 248 Sixteenth Century, Spring 1994

English 105-W Drama [T.A. MENTOR SECTION], Spring 1994

English 112-W Introduction to Poetry, Fall 1993

English 150 Representative English Writers, Fall 1993

English 310 Constructing Shakespeare (Graduate Seminar), Spring 1993

English 248 Sixteenth Century, Spring 1993

English 355 Renaissance Topoi of Utopia (Graduate Seminar), Fall 1992

English 115-W Dragon Slaying (Freshman Seminar), Fall 1992

English/Latin Proficiency Exam, Advanced Degree Candidates, Fall 1992

English 248 Sixteenth Century [HONORS SECTION] ,Spring 1992

English 112-W Introduction to Poetry, Spring 1992

English 355 Discourses of Knowledge (Graduate Seminar), Spring 1991

English 248 Sixteenth Century, Spring 1991

English 112-W Introduction to Poetry, Spring 1991

English 150 Representative English Writers, Fall 1990

English 115-W The Examined Life (Freshman Seminar), Fall 1990

English 248 Sixteenth Century, Spring 1990

English 105-W Drama: Forms and Techniques, Spring 1990

English 150 Representative English Writers, Fall 1989

Humanities 140-W Great Books: Homer to Cervantes, Fall 1989

English 248 Sixteenth Century, Spring 1989

English 112-W (two sections) Introduction to Poetry, Spring 1989

English 150 Representative English Writers, Fall 1988

Humanities 150-W Survey of the Western Tradition, Fall 1988

INDEPENDENT STUDY & TUTORIALS (SEWANEE from Easter 2005; Vanderbilt ending 1996)
ELizabeth Cary's Mariam (1613)--HONORS THESIS (Burkhardt), Easter 2025

Catch-22 and post-war satire--HONORS THESIS (Quinn Bull), Easter 2023

Narrative tropes and the Green World--HONORS THESIS  (Sarah Hall), Easter 2023

The World of Jane Austin, 1810-1814 (Emma Burdett), Easter 2020

Renaissance Mercantilism and Economic History (John Crumly), Advent 2019

Byzantine Iconoclasm, Medieval Studies Minor CAPSTONE (Ian Storey), Easter 2019

Mary Shelley's The Last Man--HONORS THESIS (Kaitlyn Alford), Easter 2019

Making Amends in Shakespeare--HONORS THESIS (Virginia Rayder), Easter 2019

J.R.R. Tolkien as Medieval Scholar--HONORS THESIS (Lillian Hammen), Easter 2019

Literature of transatlantic commerce (Hunter Creech), Advent 2018

Teacher as Trickster, Trickster as Teacher (Sam Scott), Easter 2016

Classical & Renaissance Literary Theory (Curran Greenberg), Advent 2015

Media Studies in the Contemporary Age (Andrew Steuer), Advent 2015

Poe & 19th century Printing Practices (Dylan Greer), Easter Term 2015

Neoplatonism in Dante's Paradiso (Caroline Gwaltney), Advent 2014

The Book Review (Marshall Brewer), Advent 2014

Comparative Literary Aesthetics (Toby Hickson), Advent 2014

Epistemology of Dreams in Troilus--HONORS THESIS (Clara Wild), Easter 2014

Genealogy and History of Illustrated Novels (Toby Hickson), Easter 2014

Dark Romanticism (Peyton Looper), Advent 2013

Digital Humanities, National Geographic (Georgia Howard), Advent 2013

Liminality in Troilus & Creseyde--HONORS THESIS (Caroline Rogers), Easter 2013

Cultural Linguistics (Espree-Conaway), Easter 2013 [AWARDED WATSON FELLOWSHIP]

Norse & Icelandic Sagas (Ellen Doster), Easter 2013

Satire & Comparative Literature (Toby Hickson), Easter 2013

Arthurian Romance, Medieval Studies Major CAPSTONE (Jordan Sharpe), Easter 2013

Origins and Development of Gothic Literature (Milby), Advent 2012

Historical Linguistics and Germanic Philology (Abell, Hardin, Manseau), Easter 2012

Ethics/Levinas (Rutz), Easter 2012 [AWARDED WATSON FELLOWSHIP]

Herrick and Literary Mirage, HONORS THESIS (Pleszczynski), Easter 2012

History, Drama, Epistemology (Aaron Rutz), Advent 2011

The Fantastic in Medieval Literature (Jordan Sharpe), Advent 2011

Applied Dramaturgy: Euripides's Hecuba (Aaron Rutz), Easter 2011

Survey of Historical Linguistics (DeAndre Espree-Conaway), Easter 2011

Survey of Theatrical Forms (Aaron Rutz), Advent 2010

Paradise Lost and Interiority, HONORS THESIS (Kelly Morrison), Easter 2010

Mathematics in Arcadia, HONORS THESIS (Philly Williams), Easter 2009

Literary criticism: theory, sources, and samples (Haley Robison), Easter 2009

Byron's Childe Harold and Don Juan (Wilhelm and Stockdale), Easter 2009

Milton's Paradise Lost in context (Hanlan, Jasper, Jortner, Murray), Easter 2009

The Culture of the Illustrated Novel (Shaleem Cholera), Easter 2009

Epic similes in Dante and Milton (Leslie Matthews), Easter 2009

Heidegger's Lectures on Nietzsche (Martha Ivey), Easter 2008

The Fortunes of Dido, HONORS THESIS (Cameron Hodge), Easter 2008

Nietzsche's Aphoristic Style (Martha Ivey), Advent 2007

The Book Review (Cassie Gaul), Easter 2007

Dickens in Transition: 1831-34 (Emily Estes), Easter 2007

Faulkner and Greek Tragedy (Sanford Ziegler), Easter 2007

Faerie Queene, Roland, Nibelungenlied, Gesar (Murray, Crockett, Posson), Easter 2006

Introduction to Philology (Joseph Brew), Advent 2005

Epic Traditions: Homer, Virgil, Beowulf (Murray, Battle, Crockett), Easter 2005

                                           * * * * *
After the Postmodern: Tracking Lyotard (Reynolds), Spring 1996

Reading Nietzsche's Zarathustra (Oles), Spring 1996

Readings in Aristotle, Galen, and Thomas Aquinas (Corso), Spring 1996

Politics of Kingship in Shakespeare (Randall), Fall 1995

Studies in the Northern European Novel, 1900-40 (DeSimone), Fall 1995

Latin antecedents to Renaissance English literature (Corso), Fall 1995

Women in Shakespeare (Rich), Fall 1995

Studies in the Postmodern Novel (Welborn), Fall 1995

Goethe and the Culture of Enlightenment (Neary), Summer 1995

Masques and Elizabeth of Bohemia [graduate] (Armstrong), Spring 1995

Music/Literature/Society, SENIOR PROJECT (O'Keffe), Spring 1995

Tracking Literary Descents into the Underworld (Spengler), Spring 1995

Contemporary Nature Writing (Coviello), Spring 1995

The Illustrated Novel and Contemporary Theory (Lightman), Spring 1995

The Bible as Literature (Martin, C.), Spring 1995

Oscar Wilde's Uses of Renaissance Allegory (Friedland), Spring 1995

Reading Montaigne's Essays (Phillips), Spring 1995

Reading Melville's Moby-Dick (Mayes), Spring 1995

Reading Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy (Lokey), Spring 1995

Situating Ginsberg's America (Morris), Spring 1995

Ginsberg's Longer Poems (Morris), Fall 1994

Renaissance Ballads and Broadsides [graduate] (Nystrom), Fall 1994

James Dickey's Collected Poems (Martin Wilson), Fall 1994

Representative English Writers [credit by exam] (Patterson), Fall 1994

Melville's Later Novels (Chung), Spring 1994

E. A. Poe's Poetry and Literary Criticism (Piccirilli), Spring 1994

Representative English Writers [credit by exam] (Moore, R.), Spring 1994

Character Sketches in the Renaissance (Purifoy), Spring 1994

Writing/Culture/Difference, SENIOR PROJECT (Eure), Spring 1994

Economics of Salvation, Part II: Melville to Mann (Grogan) Spring 1994

Economics of Salvation, Part I: Marlowe to Goethe (Grogan) Fall 1993

Non-Shakespearean Drama [graduate] (Stewart) Fall 1993

Metaphysical Poetry and Prose (Spann) Fall 1992

City Comedies and Revenge Plays (Wikswo) Fall 1992

Evolution of the Essay: Montaigne to Emerson (Parker) Spring 1992

Genealogy of Skepticism [graduate] (Moore), Spring 1992

Shakespeare's late-plays (Hagewood), Spring 1992

The "Modernisms" of Djuna Barnes and T.S. Eliot (Billingsley), Spring 1991

Milton and Renaissance Ideas of Cosmic Order (Crow), Fall 1990

Montaigne: the place of women (McGregor), Fall 1990

Spenser's Minor Poetry [graduate] (Brand), Spring 1990

Family and Identity in Jacobean Tragedy (Fleming), Spring 1990

Literature & Philosophy: Toward Postmodernism (Mullins), Spring 1990

Renaissance Popular Literature: Commonplaces (Holmes), Spring 1990

Renaissance Popular Literature: The Jest Book (Holmes), Fall 1989

Literature and Philosophy in the Early Modern Era (Mullins), Fall 1989

Bacon and Montaigne (Partridge), Spring 1989

Representative English Writers [credit by exam] (Fernandez), Spring 1989

Gabriel Wicks, "'Death by Cotton': Telling Southern Family History," 1995-96

Andrea Becksvoort, "Necrophiliac Hermeneutics: Culture/Fashion/Death," 1994-96

Mary Curry, "Representations of Venus during the Renaissance," 1993-94

Maurie Nicely, "Pamphlets and Promotional Tracts on the Virginia Colony," 1992-93

Chris Coleman, "Blake and Nietzsche: Prophecy and Alienation," 1992-93

Andrea Becksvoort, "Comparative Cultural Studies," Spring 1996

Matthew O'Keefe, "Music/Literature/Society," Fall 1995

Jack Douglas Eure, "Issues in Contemporary Studies," Spring 1994

Sara D. McCamish, "Speaking of Death: Law, Medicine, and the Dying Body," Aug 1994

Adriane Stewart, "Ontological Instability in Renaissance Drama," July 1996

Roger E. Moore, "Gnostic Yearnings and Annihilation in Marlowe's Plays," May 1995

Ph.D. THESIS COMMITTEES [Vanderbilt English Dept, unless specified]
Elaine Anderson Phillips, "Prefatory Fictions: Novel Prefaces," July 1996

Phil Phillips, "Invoking the Muse in Milton," July 1996

Brett Armstrong, "Reactions to King James's Book of Sports" [History], March 1996

Risa Nystrom, "Ballads in Shakespeare's Day," March 1996

Bob Richardson, "Architecture and the Crises of Mimesis" [Philosophy], Nov 1995

Jay Helt, "Purgatory, Policy, and Piety in 16th century Essex" [History], March 1995

Clinton Brand, "Marvell's Poetics," May 1995

Derah Meyers, "Mannerism and Shakespeare," April 1994

David Beliles, "Donne and Recent Criticism," Dec 1993

Liz Hart, "Metaphor and Shakespeare's English," Aug 1993

James Schiavoni, "Spenser and Augustine," Aug 1992

Stephen Knadler, "American Renaissance," Aug 1991

Elizabeth Oakes, "The Widow in Renaissance Drama," Aug 1990

Christopher Frongillo, "Power in Marlowe," Aug 1990

Kay Ackerman, "A Life of William Lilly" [History], March 1990

Lee Moore, "Transgression in Burroughs and Bataille," Dec 1989

Joyce McDonald, "Political Family in Shakespeare," Aug 1989

Sally Rodes Lee, "Canto Openings in Faerie Queene," April 1989

Dramaturge for Hamlet, Alabama Shakespeare Festival, Dec 2009-Jan 2010

Patrons' Lecture, Alabama Shakespeare Festival, Montgomery, AL 2005-09

Activities Coordinator, Camp Horseshoe, Rhinelander, WI, 2004-11

Fight Choreographer, All's Well that Ends Well (Nashville Shakespeare), 2002

Fight Choreographer, Macbeth, Life is a Dream, Romeo (Montgomery Bell), 1999-2001

NSF Apprentice Company and ESU High School workshops, 2000-2004

Leonard Bernstein Center for Education Through the Arts, workshops, 1997-99

Wilderness and Survival Program, Camp Horseshoe, Minong, WI, summers 1976-82

Student-Teacher, Humanities; William C. Hall High School, West Hartford, CT, Spring 1980

RELIGIOUS SCHOOL INSTRUCTION (West End Synagogue, Nashville)
"The MTV Challenge: Torah and the Media" (eighth grade), 2010- 11

"Weekly parsha" and "Shtetl Life" (seventh grade, tenth grade), 2010-2011

Ahrohn Applefeld's The Conversion (tenth grade), Oct 2009

"The Importance of One: a history of social action," (sixth grade), 2007-09

"Prophets," "Shtetl Life," and "Holocaust" (high school), 2004-09

"Genesis" and "Portraying Jews in Film" (high school), 2003-04

"Modern Israeli Writers" and "Medieval Legends" (high school), 2002-03

"Holocaust Rescuers" (high school), 2001-02

"Literature & Jewish Identity" (high school), 2000-01

"Ethics" and "Holocaust" (high school), 1999-2000

"Holocaust" and "Shtetl" (middle school), Spring 1999

"Modern Hebrew Literature" (high school), Feb 1998

"Diaspora in Context" (adult), April 1997

"Jews in Literature" (adult), Feb 1996

Western Epic (Homer, Virgil, Lucan, Statius, Beowulf, Dante, Roland, Ariosto, Spenser, Milton)

Classical Literature and Drama (Lucretius, Longus, Ovid, Apuleius; Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides)

Classical Rhetoric and Poetic Theory (Plato, Aristotle, Hesiod, Horace, Cicero, Quintilian, Longinus)

Classical History & Historiography (Xenophon, Plutarch, Pliny, Livy, Herodotus, Suetonius, Tacitus)

Bible, Apocrypha, and Saints' Lives (including main Medieval and Early Modern commentaries)

Medieval Philosophy (Augustine, Boethius, Anselm, Averroes, Avicenna, Maimonides, Aquinas)

Medieval Romance (Tristan, Parzifal, Völsunga saga, Niebelunglied, prose Edda, lays and lyrics)

Medieval English (drama cycles, Gower, Langland, Lydgate, Pearl, Gawain, Wynnere and Wastoure)

Chaucer (Troilus and Criseyde, Canterbury Tales, Good Women, Fame, Duchess, Fowles, Boece)

Humanist Educational Theory (Cicero, Seneca, Plutarch, Capella, Erasmus, Mulcaster, Ascham)

Reformation (Erasmus, Luther, Calvin, Zwingli, Belarmine, Tyndall, Day, Foxe, Perkins) 

Tudor-Stuart Translations (Harington, Paynell, Golding, Sandys, Florio, North, Holland, Lodge, Creech)

Sixteenth Century Poetry (Skelton, Barclay, Wyatt, Surrey, Sackville, Sidney, Spenser, Ralegh)

Renaissance Poetic Theory (Dante, Boccaccio, Scaligar, Sidney, Peacham, Puttenham, Dryden)

Renaissance Prose (especially allegorical novels, natural history, moral essays, pastoral)

Shakespeare (sonnets, epyllia, comedies, histories, tragedies, romances, attributions and apocrypha)

English Renaissance Drama (Marlowe, Cary, Jonson; pageants and masques)

London City Comedies (Heywood, Dekker, Munday, Rowley, Beaumont, Fletcher)

English Revenge Tragedies (Kyd, Marston, Chapman, Middleton, Tourneur, Webster, Ford)

Seventeenth Century Poetry (Donne, Herbert, Vaughan, Crashaw, Herrick, Lovelace)

Encyclopedic Prose (Camden, Ralegh, Florio, Bacon, Burton, Browne, Walton)

European Literary Tradition (Dante, Petrarch, Colonna, Rabelais, Montaigne, Cervantes, Goethe)

Enlightenment Thought (Rousseau, Equiano, Voltaire, Leibniz, Kant, Schiller, Locke, Hume, Smith)

English Romantic Poetry (Thomson, Blake, Burns, Scott, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley, Keats)

American Literature (Irving, Poe, Melville, Hawthorne, Longfellow, Twain, Roth, Pynchon, Morrison)

Modern European Experimental Literature (Joyce, Borges, Calvino, Pavic, Kundera)

Continental Philosophy (Descartes, Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Derrida, Levinas, Lyotard)

Literature of the Abyss (Sade, Rimbaud, Lautreamont, Bataille, Blanchot, Burroughs, Gaiman)

Envisioning Materialist Historiography (Hegel, Schopenhauer, Marx, Engels, Spengler, Warburg)

Ages of Revolution (Burke, Paine, Proudhon, Bakunin, Lenin, Trotsky; polemics of emancipation)

Modern British Poetry (Hardy, Hopkins, Yeats, Housman, Lawrence, Auden, Larkin)

Modern Drama (Chekhov, Shaw, Wilde, Brecht, Beckett, Stoppard, Pinter, Kushner)

Modern European Cinema (Vertov, Bunuel, Goddard, Herzog, Svebo, Tarr, Svankmajer)

Structuralism (de Saussure, Mauss, Levi-Strauss, Lacan, Jakobson, Barthes, Althusser, Foucault)

Holocaust Studies (Hitler, Wiesel, Levi, Frankl, Lyotard, Weistrich, Gilman, Hilberg, Elon, Fischer)

Modern Hebrew Poetry (Tchernikhovsky, Shlonsky, Bialik, Amichai, Pagis, Ravikovith)

Modern Hebrew Prose (Amos Oz, Abraham B. Yehoshua, and Aharon Appelfeld)

Opera (Monteverdi, Mozart, Bellini, Donizetti, Rossini, Verdi, Wagner, Strauss, Floyd, Glass, Corigliano)

Histories of the Natural Sciences (Alchemy, Astronomy, Cartography, Anatomy, Mathematics, Physics)

Literature and the Arts (emblem books, applied mnemonics, song-cycles, tomb sculpture)

Pedagogical Theory and Practice (Piaget, Vygotsky, Dewey, Freire, Giroux, Kozol, Mager, Kohn)

Anti-Racist Humanism and Social Practices (Ibram X. Kendi, Molefi Kete Asante and Nah Dove)

American Association of University Professors; Early English Text Society;

Medieval Academy of America; Milton Society; Modern Language Association;

National Coalition of Independent Scholars; Renaissance English Text Society;

Renaissance Society of America; Poe Studies Association; Shakespeare Assoc of America;

Sixteenth Century Studies Society; Society of American Fight Directors; 

South Atlantic Modern Language Association; Spenser Society;

World Association of Case Method Research & Application; United States Fencing Association

Native fluency in English; expert proficiency in Middle English

Advanced graduate proficiency demonstrated in French, Italian, and Latin (and their Renaissance forms)

Familiarity with Anglo-Norman (Marie de France and King Horn); and Lowland Scots (Dunbar to Burns)

Working knowledge of Anglo-Saxon and, at one time and to some extent, Old Norse

Reading knowledge and rudimentary conversational in German (refresher courses 2019-2022, 2024)

Formal coursework in Hebrew and in Russian (pre-Reform orthography)

Universal Blood Donor, achieved "10-gallon pin," 1984-1999

Basic First-Aid (refresher course required)

CPR for adults and children (refresher course required)

Sports Safety Instructor and ASEP certified athletic coach, 1999

USA Fencing, Level One Foil coach, 1999

ranked nationally in foil, epee, and sabre, 1996-2002

EMI Climbing Wall, supervisory safety certification, 2004

canoe trip leader class II-III rapids, including Flambeau River, Wisconsin, 2004-11

on-site adventure-trip leader, Mackinac Island and Madeline Island, 2004-11

SafeSport Certification (USFA/TeamUSA) for athletic coaches, 2017-present

​SafeSport Certification in student welfare and safe conduct, 2018-present

Covid-19 Vaccination Awareness Course (administered through Sewanee), 2021
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