MASTER'S THESIS: “Ben Jonson’s Epicœne, or The Silent Woman
(1609) and its afterlife, with special reference to Richard Strauss and Stefan Zweig’s Die schweigsame Frau
(1935)"; Roland Mushat Frye (director) and Gary Schmidgall
Notices and Reviews:
Emblem Studies Newsletter
32 (Jan 2003), 12; Emblematica
13 (2003), 397-403; Sixteenth Century Journal
35.2 (2004), 593-95; Bibliothèque et Renaissance,
66.2 (2004), 413-14; Renaissance Quarterly
57.3 (2004), 1166-68; Studies in English Literature
44.2 (Spring 2004), 416;
Review of English Studies
(2004): 457-9; Notes and Queries
51.1 (March 2004), 85-86; Clio: Journal of Literature, History and the Philosophy of History,
33.4 (Summer 2004); Shakespeare Studies
32 (2004), 352-6; Year's Work in English Studies
84 (2005), 441ff.; Libraries & Culture
40.1 (2005), 91-92; Shakespeare Studies
32 (2004), 352-356;
click here to view book
Education & Anarchy
(Lanham, New York, and Oxford: University Press of America, 2001).
Notices and Reviews: The Spenser Review
32, No.3 (Autumn 2001), 14-15; The Pennsylvania Gazette
100, No.1 (Nov/Dec 2001); Trinity Reporter
(Fall 2002), 12; Choice
40.1 (Sept 2002); Sixteenth Century Journal
33.3 (Fall 2002), 914-15; click here to view book
Notices and Reviews:
Sixteenth Century Journal
27.2 (Summer 1996), 663; Emblem Studies Newsletter 19 (July 1996), 2; Trinity Reporter
(July 1996), 36; Choice
33, No. 11/12 (July/August 1996); Sidney Newsletter and Journal
14.1 (Summer 1996), 82-87; Bibliothèque et Renaissance
58.3 (1996), 701-702; Sewanee Review
105.1 (Winter 1997), xx-xxii; Studies in English Literature
37 (1997), 218; Epilogue
11.2 (1996), 52-53; Libraries and Culture
(Summer 1997), 382-83; Seventeenth-Century News
55 No. 3 & 4 (Fall-Winter, 1997), 60-61; Review of English Studies, New Series 48, No.192 (1997), 534-35; Renaissance Quarterly
50.4 (Winter 1997), 1223-24; noted in Bibliothèque d'Humanisme et Renaissance
60 (1998), 166; Bulletin of the History of Medicine
72.3 (1998), 543-45; Litterarum Kritikon
27 (2000), 137-42;
click here to read the book on Internet Archive
Researching the Reformation: Essays in Honor of W. B. Patterson, co-edited with Benjamin Guyer (Brill, forthcoming Winter 2025)
At the Limits of the Visible: Cognitive Ecologies in the Premodern Paperworld
Slips of Thought from Chaucer to Milton: Imagining the stuff of allegory
Nineteenth Century Writers Reading Renaissance Texts: Poe, Melville, and Marx
Voices in Transit: attending to dogs, death, dialect, and demons in the works of Poe
The Ubiquity of "Grace" in Early Modern English Literature: A Philological Inquest
What the Pastoral Remembers: case studies from Theocritus to Wendell Berry
Copyright Notice:Any chapters in books, journal articles, and book reviews made available for download are for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author or the copyright holder.
"Poe's Poetry," in The Routledge Companion to Edgar Allan Poe,
ed. John Gruesser (Routledge, forthcoming 2027)
“‘The Mind of the Frontispiece’: Invitations to Enter Self-Referential Mnemonic Spaces in English Renaissance Book Illustrations,” in The Mindful Picture
for the series "Intersections," ed. Walter Melion and Michael Zell (Brill, forthcoming 2026)
“Aemilia Lanyer’s Subtle Art of Death inSalve Deus Rex Iudæorum,” in Explorations of the Renaissance (Special Issue),
ed. Brice Peterson (Brill, forthcoming 2025)
"Migrating Aspects of an Emblem: Occasio, Time and Death from Alciato to Holbein," in Recent Work in Emblem Studies,
ed. Jean-Jacques Chardin and Paulette Choné (Cambridge Scholars Publications, forthcoming early 2025)
“Introduction: Between Memory and Death.” Co-written with Rory Loughnane and Grant Williams. Memory and Mortality in Renaissance England.
Ed. by William E. Engel, Rory Loughnane, and Grant Williams. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023. pp. 1-21.
Reader for articles: Huntington Library Quarterly, Early Modern Cultural Studies, Modern Philology, Journal of the International Boethius Society, Early Modern Literary Studies, Emblematica, Reformation,
Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes; Textes et Contextes
Awarded Herzog August Bibliothek Fellowship, Wolfenbüttel, for Fall 2020
Short Term Reader Fellow, The Huntington Library, San Marino, CA, Spring 2018
Faculty Research Award, The University of the South, Easter 2017
Delegate for Teacher Exchange Program, Hadera, Israel, Winter Recess 2008
Nominated Teacher of the Year, The University of the South, 2007
Red Ribbon Society (The University of the South), inducted Advent 2006
Phi Sigma Tau, Philosophy Honor Society (University of the South), Easter 2005
Israeli Teachers' Union, Tel Aviv/Jerusalem (Traveling/Research Fellow), May 2000
USA Olympic Coaches College, Colorado Springs, CO (Level One Foil), August 1999
Leonard Bernstein Center for Education Through the Arts (Fellow), 1997-99
NEH Council for Basic Education; Humanities Seminar (Team Leader), Summer 1998
NEH Folger Shakespeare Institute seminars; Washington, D.C., Fall 1994 and 1995
Ernest A. Jones Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award, Vanderbilt University, 1992
Newberry Library, Chicago, IL (Short Term Consortium Research Fellow), 1989-96
Robert Penn Warren Center for the Humanities, TN (Resident Fellow), 1989-90
William R. Hearst Fellow, Huntington Library, San Marino, CA, Summers 1988-89
Exxon Fellow for Advanced Study, The Huntington Library, SanMarino, CA 1987