Here are two representative courses: first, introductory level writing intensive, and then advanced writing-intensive in the major.
Introduction to literature and composition (ENGL 101)
Students enrolled in my section of ENGL 101 are in for an adventure in learning. You will encounter four plays by a highly effective (and affective) writer of the English language, William Shakespeare; a collection of poetry, old and new; and a selection of short prose works. The instructional objectives given below clarify how these texts will help you realize your key learning goals for this class.
KEY LEARNING GOALS for this class:
--to communicate effectively in writing
--to read critically and interpret literary works in English
--to speak intelligently and clearly
--to work effectively toward a corporate goal
--to discern reliable from unreliable information
--to design and apply mnemonic devices
In the spirit of chiasmus, we will consider each goal in turn from the bottom-up:
--to design and apply mnemonic devices.
The first several classes will expose students to a variety of mnemonic devices in which they will be given a "hands-on" opportunity to master "The Caper Star" through a homework assignment on a single poem and then as a group exercise on three poems. Students will be instructed in how to develop and apply "memory grids" so as to generate and forge links between and among various works of literature that will allow them to write engaging essays and to speak confidently to the class.
--to discern reliable from unreliable information. Class discussions will include criteria for sifting through internet sources responsibly, how to access books and journal articles from DuPont Library efficiently, and how to decide which of your peers' (and teacher's) comments are worthy of finding a place in your notebook and essays. Part of the grade on written work includes an assessment of the extent to which reliable secondary sources are cited and used. Such knowledge tends to minimize the possibility of inadvertent plagiarism (a topic we will discuss in detail the first week of class when we cover the Honor Code).
--to work effectively toward a corporate goal.
Instructor-facilitated caper groups will train students to learn how to work courteously and diligently with people of different backgrounds who have different strengths and weaknesses from you. Group assignments may also be required outside of class (such as, for example, preparing a scene from a play to present to the class). Students will be assessed both on the outcome of the exercise and also on the signs of have engendered a genial and sufficiently rigorous "group dynamic."
--to speak intelligently and clearly.
Each student is responsible for preparing and delivering a ten-minute oration grounded in a passage which the student will select and recite with elan (memorization is permitted but not required) about 12-24 lines from assigned section of a play by Shakespeare as listed on the syllabus. Recourse to the Caper Star obviates the need for written notes. The focal passage will be recited in the context of your presenting a cogent and well-reasoned interpretation of the lines with respect to the larger issues in the play. Your goal is to help your peers become better, more critical, more attentive, interpreters of the passage and of the play as a whole so that you will be able to lead a five-minute follow-up discussion about the seminal issues you have brought to the class's attention. You are also expected to be an expert on the whole assignment, capable of fielding any questions posed to you by your peers or the teacher. This will help develop your talents as an extemporaneous speaker. Additionally, students will be assessed on their participation in class both as decorous speakers and also as active listeners.
--to read critically and interpret literary works in English.
To gauge your comprehension of the assigned works of literature students will be assigned a series of papers that provide experience with different types of writing and require different ways of thinking about the texts:
First, the Triangulation Paper
builds on work carried out individually and in your caper groups the first weeks of class. In effect, the class sessions are preparing students to compare and contrast three of the poems in the anthology while taking into account the relationship of form to content (students will receive a handout on scansion and meter, and at least full two classes will be devoted to "close reading").
The Reflection Paper
builds on your in-class presentation. It is intended primarily as a write-up of what you have accomplished, but also, ancillarily, as a critical assessment of your progress on the project.
To give you time to reflect on your presentation and any points that came out of the group discussion, it will be due the following class period. This paper (900 to 1,500 words) should report specifically on what you judge was accomplished in your presentation, plus any further speculation you might have about how the passage opens the way to larger issues raised by the play (and the play, after all, is a reflection of how people live in the world). However you decide to organize your write-up, it will include (1) your lines, (2) a brief analysis of those lines, and (3) some reflection on what those lines have come to mean to you by virtue of having undertaken this assignment. You are not necessarily trying to prove anything in this paper (unless it is a crux in the play that you want to bring to light), but to reflect purposefully on your learning—including anything you have subsequently come to think about as result of the class discussion following your presentation. Be careful not to fall into the trap of merely summing up the action of the scene; rather, relate details of the play as a way to further your original analysis of the passage and what this in turn reveals about the underlying ethos of the play. (The use of secondary sources is discouraged for this paper.)
The Expository Paper
requires that each student devise and develop an original thesis about something in the pre-determined play (e.g. Pericles) that demands your attention and that is worthy of arguing about in an intelligent and cogent way. Be sure to indicate what it is about the thesis that matters to you. Your paper will need to evince a debatable thesis of some kind and include corroborating evidence taken from within the text (and cited appropriately, of course).
The mid-term exam
will include a section that provides students with an opportunity to create a "memory grid" or "caper star" of relevant information about the works of literature encountered in the class. The last section asks you to develop and disclose a case arguing for the primacy of a specific theme as being exemplary of that specific work of literature.This will also help students prepare for the Impromptu paper.
The Impromptu (Theme) Paper
is a timed writing exercise (whether in class or remotely) where you are given several passages from different plays (chose one as your main focus) so that, drawing on all of the skills developed this term, you can demonstrate your proficiency at reading and critically interpreting a work of English literature. This assignment will serve as the Assessment Instrument, in compliance with the College's stated Learning Objectives associated with this class (LO1 and Writing Intensive).
The Magnum Opus Exercise
is designed to unite all of the instructional objectives mentioned above, In lieu of a final exam students will complete a Magnum Opus Group Caper that brings together elements from all of the works studied throughout the term. It may also be the case that students will be asked to write a short "imitatio" paper modeled on one of the prose works covered in class (TBA).
--to communicate effectively in writing.
This is assessed with respect to the grades on work handed in using the following criteria.
Your grade on a paper (the details of the different assignments are discussed in the section above) represents my professional judgment whether and the extent to which your original work-product fulfills the terms of the assignment (including handing it in on time). On the syllabus you will notice that each paper is designed to address a specific theme, approach, or topic.
At the very least, a paper should (1) satisfy the terms of the assignment, (2) evince a thesis (or argue for the primacy of a specific theme— depending on the assignment) by presenting and analyzing a series of related points, and (3) demonstrate your ability to organize your thoughts in standard written English prose. Papers will be graded higher if they do all of this and also are free of grammatical errors and stylistic infelicities. Mechanical errors detract from the presentation of your ideas, and inhibit the flow from sentence to sentence and paragraph to paragraph. Seek (1) to communicate your ideas clearly, (2) to substantiate your claims cogently, and (3) to qualify your assumptions coherently. Sweeping claims and those that cannot really be substantiated ("Shakespeare was the greatest playwright ever to live"), no matter how innocently intended, derail otherwise good arguments and will detract from your score. An outstanding paper incorporates all of the virtues listed above, and does so with verve. Moreover, papers in the "A" range tend to illuminate the topic in unexpected, though always decorous, ways. An outstanding paper not only will evince an original thesis (or theme), but also it will do so with style and perspicacity. With this in mind, please note that risks taken in the spirit of intellectual inquiry, even if they fall short of the intended objective, tend to be judged favorably. Also, a paper in which the writer seeks to experiment purposefully and appropriately with "voice" or "point of view," even if the effort does not achieve its intended goal, may still receive a high grade.
As the term progresses and you get more practice writing (and re-writing), and as you become more attuned to the high academic standards valued in this course, it is assumed that your papers should improve--and your grade will reflect this. In my comments on each paper, I will point out the strengths so you can develop your future papers along these lines. By becoming aware of any weaknesses, you then can attend to these accordingly. Letter grades are aligned with the University regulations as outlined in the catalogue:
I am always available during regularly posted office hours to talk with you about the assignments and your written work (or anything else on your mind). I prefer to discuss your ideas for a paper with you before you begin writing (which will take prior planning on your part), and even will help you outline papers. As a rule, though, I will not read working-drafts of entire papers "while you wait." For this, I recommend you make an appointment with a tutor at the Writing Center. Students may revise and resubmit written work, pending a conference with the teacher. Sometimes, however, the invitation to re-write is just mentioned at the end of the Grading Rubric Tally Sheet (my comment sheet) accompanying your returned, marked-up paper. The grade of a revised paper will be averaged with that of the first version.
I look forward to reading—as well as assessing and commenting on—your work this term as I believe that, just as reading great literature can help you think about how you might go about becoming a more self-aware person, I am convinced that communicating with verve will help make you a more interesting, circumspect, and self-actualized person.
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Literary Criticism (ENGL 401)
Why study literary criticism? If you think of literature as an artistic or realistic depiction of reality (Aestheticism and Realism, respectively), then literary criticism (engaging responsibly with “texts”) and literary theory (which is a bit more involved) is the study of how we interpret literary representations of reality (most notably and conventionally, in terms of mimesis
and ekphrasis). Whether we're talking about fiction or poetry, drama or performance art, literary criticism is the study of the representation of the various worlds thus being depicted, and of the different kinds of stories that are told, narratives mobilized, and discourses applied to "bring to presence" such experiences. The purpose and stakes of literary criticism have broadened extensively over the last century with the flourishing of feminism, Marxism and cultural materialism, psychoanalysis, queer and gender studies, postcolonialism and transnationalism, and (more abstractly and self-referentially) deconstruction, poststructuralism, and postmodernism. While the purpose of literary criticism once was confined principally to the study of textual transmission (how a work came to be in the state we have before us), of authorial intent (and this includes holy scripture), of historicism (the interpretation of history through literature), and of style (including 20th century movements such as New Criticism, Formalism, and Structuralism), nowadays it embraces all manner of social, economic, ecological, cultural, and intersectional interpretations of literature--and the application of that analysis also proves to be very useful for the study of "lived experience" itself.
This course is designed to enable students to find ways of demonstrating the extent to which they are informed reflectively about all of the approaches mentioned above, and to exhibit through the various assignments a serious and sustained use of representative samplings of those approaches so as to offer incisive and critical interpretations of select literary works, to do so responsibly, in standard English prose, and in accordance with the Style Sheet and assignment guidelines distributed the first day of class. Moreover, each student independently will focus on one particular contemporary modality of critical analysis (sign up sheet posted Gailor 135) so as to be able to design and execute a lesson plan for conveying the salient points to the class (not to exceed twenty minutes, usually ten minutes of descriptive analysis and then ten minutes of critical application and group discussion). To complete this particular exercise students will begin with a selection taken from the anthology and then “ring out” to situate its place in the larger work from which it has been excerpted, and then, furthermore, to present a critically informed report on its place within the sweep of literary criticism in the Western cultural tradition.
A write-up of this independent presentation, inclusive of additional critical reflection on the relative success of one’s project overall, will complete this assignment. Although you are expected to have become an expert in your chosen area of inquiry, it is acceptable in the write-up to mention questions you still have that you were unable to address in your presentation, as well as to mention what you might correct, and what you might have done differently "were there world enough and time.")
Above all, through the work handed in as listed on the syllabus, students are expected to be able to make a clear case for the salutary uses—as well as potential limitations or inadequacies—of the critical approaches covered by the assigned readings. Students will draw on works of literature with which they already are familiar to perform the critical operations expected in this course. The teacher will suggest some short texts that might work toward this end if the student does not feel sufficiently well-read yet to identify works that lend themselves to the critical approach under investigation.
What, for example, might a student in this class have to say about the following by virtue of situating this quotation with respect to some other passage from a critical source and applied to a work of literature: “Literature is the contestation of philology (of which it is nevertheless the twin figure): it leads language back from grammar to the naked power of speech, and there it encounters the untamed, imperious being of words" (Michel Foucault,The Order of Things(1970), p. 300).